As announced in a March 31, 2023 Guide notice, NIH will allow applicants to submit preliminary data as post-submission materials if the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) uses the R01, R03, or R21 activity codes and allows preliminary data. This rule applies to new applications (Type 1) including resubmissions, but not renewal applications (Type 2) or competitive revisions (Type 3).
You may be wondering: Wasn’t that already the policy?
To clarify, as a special exception to ease applicant burden during the COVID-19 public health emergency, NIH allowed preliminary data as post-submission materials for all applications using any activity codes, so long as the corresponding NOFO allowed preliminary data. When the public health emergency announcement expires (anticipated date of May 11, 2023), this exception will as well; applications submitted for the Cycle I Review and Award Cycle will be the last eligible.
Still, the practice has proven useful, enough so that NIH will now carry it forward in the limited form described above.
For instructions on submitting post-submission materials after you apply, refer to Allowable Post-Submission Materials and Policy on Post-Submission Materials. Also, check out our treatise on the value of preliminary data “Highlight Preliminary Data in Your Next Application,” which published in the last issue of NIAID Funding News.