Through Request for Information (RFI): Sex Differences in Radiation Research: Animal Models, Underlying Pathways, Biomarkers of Injury, and Medical Countermeasure Responses, NIAID seeks comments from the scientific community about how sex differences in radiation responses influence:
- Radiation-induced injuries in preclinical animal models
- Efficacy of medical countermeasures (MCMs)
- Evolution of biomarkers (for biodosimetry development)
Ultimately, we hope to gain insight into the current research landscape on sex differences in radiation injury, and specifically learn about challenges and gaps in the field.
Information Requested
NIAID seeks information to help us better facilitate an understanding of sex differences in radiation research. Topics include:
- Identifying sex-linked sensitivity in radiation injury in human exposures and animal models in response to total or partial body irradiation
- Dissecting mechanistic pathways leading to sex differences in radiation injury
- Determining the influence of sex confounders (e.g., chromosomal, reproduction stage, excreted chemicals such as pheromones and hormones) or sex-linked organ specificity (e.g., heart, lung) on the development of radiation animal models and MCMs
- Improving identification of robust biomarkers for diagnosis or radiation injury prediction models in acute or delayed effects of acute radiation exposure
- Examining sex difference effects of MCMs that are administered 24 hours or later post-irradiation and are relevant to a radiological or nuclear incident
Responses are voluntary. Academic groups, industry representatives, and government research staff are all welcome to send feedback.
How To Submit a Response
Submit comments electronically to by May 4, 2022.
Limit your response to two pages, sent as a file (e.g., PDF) attached to your email. Take care not to include any proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information.