Most text appearing on NIAID Web pages was either prepared by employees of the United States Government as part of their official duties or prepared under contracts for NIAID. In both instances the text is in the public domain and not subject to copyright. The same is true of most publications available for downloading from this website. You may freely copy that material and, at your discretion, credit NIAID with a "Courtesy: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" notation.
Occasionally, the NIAID site may contain documents or links to documents, such as full-text journal articles, that are copyright protected. Web users may view and print these documents but should contact the copyright owner for any other uses.
With the exception of logos (see below), permission to use NIAID graphics is granted on a case-by-case basis. Some are public domain, some are created by NIAID contractors, some are copyrighted and some are used by NIAID with specific permission granted by the owner. Therefore, the logos, photos and illustrations found on the NIAID website should not be reused without permission.
For information about the copyright holders of a given photo or illustration on the NIAID website, how the owners can be contacted, and what, if any, use those owners allow of their material, please contact us and provide the URL, file name, and intended use.
Granting the right to use a graphic from the website does not explicitly or implicitly convey NIAID endorsement of the site where it is used. If an NIAID image includes an identifiable person, using the image may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person.
Once you receive confirmation from NIAID that a graphic is available for use, you may, at your discretion, credit NIAID with a "Courtesy: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" notation.
A comprehensive selection of NIAID images are available on the NIAID Flickr page at https://www.flickr.com/photos/niaid/ and may be downloaded directly from this site. All images on the NIAID Flickr site are in the public domain. For the public domain images, there is no copyright, no permission required, and no charge for their use. You may therefore freely reproduce them with the following notation: "Courtesy: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases."
Use of the NIAID logo
NIAID-funded researchers may credit the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on their websites in text; it is not permissible for them to use the NIAID logo, which is reserved for official NIAID communications created by or for NIAID for the principal benefit or use of NIAID. This rule applies to all private sector individuals and organizations including grantees, vendors, and contractors, regardless of commercial or non-profit status.
There are rare exceptions, if NIAID is an official co-sponsor of a conference or workshop, in which it may be permissible to use the logo. In these rare exceptions, a disclaimer and express permission from the NIAID Office of Communications and Government Relations are required. If you have questions regarding use of the NIAID logo or the reproduction or use of any graphics, contact us.
Contractors may not use the NIAID logo on documents that are consulting deliverables or proposals intended for NIAID use.
The NIAID logo should not be combined with other elements to create a new logo for an office or program.
Additional Resources
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines for using HHS graphics, logos, and icons.
If you have any questions regarding the reproduction or use of any text or graphics, please contact us.