Globally, more than 1 billion people get a fungal infection each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some fungal infections are more common in people with weakened immune systems or hospitalized individuals, while other fungal infections can infect anyone, including otherwise healthy people. There are only four classes of antifungal drugs, and fungal strains resistant to these drugs are emerging. Currently, there are no approved vaccines to prevent fungal infections. The ultimate objective of NIAID-supported research is to develop effective diagnostics, treatments, and preventives.
Through the information offered here, researchers can learn about the science being conducted at NIAID and by NIAID-funded researchers. Researchers seeking funding can access opportunities to further their own research, while NIAID and NIH grantees can find out about available resources outside of specific funding opportunities, and ways to connect with other researchers are also available.

NIAID Strategic Plan for Research to Develop a Valley Fever Vaccine
NIAID is committed to advancing research on Valley fever, including the development of a safe and effective Valley fever vaccine. Valley fever—caused by the Coccidioides fungus—is one of the most common endemic fungal infections in the United States
Funding Opportunities
NIAID is always accepting researcher-initiated applications. Connect with NIAID program officers about potential funding for fungal disease research. Program Officers for can be found in the Bacteriology and Mycology Branch of the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID).
Connect With Other Researchers
Search for scientists at NIAID who research fungal diseases in the scientist directory.
Search for scientists funded by NIAID who fungal diseases on RePORTER.
Resources for Researchers
NIAID offers resources such as technologies available for licensing or collaboration, computer applications, and other tools and services to the general scientific community to advance basic, preclinical, and clinical research. Look to each resource for eligibility information. See all fungal disease researchers.
For researchers developing products such as diagnostics, vaccines, or drug therapies, check out NIAID's support for infectious disease product developers.