To help you make informed decisions at each step of the grant process, the pages below give you overviews of timing from application to award, including the status of the Institute's budget at the start of the fiscal year and factors that may delay your award.
Illustrated Application and Grant Timelines. Check your action items for each phase of the grant process. For applications funded on the first try, it typically takes between 8 and 20 months after the due date to get an award.
Some Deadlines Are Before the Application Due Date. Find examples of institutional and NIH deadlines for key steps in the weeks or months before you apply.
Understand Standard Due Dates and Review Cycles. Get our advice on application timing and learn about NIH’s three annual review cycles.
Overview of R01 Process. Find key deadlines, peer review timing, and NIAID Council dates for investigator-initiated R01 applications.
NIAID Paylines and Budget Information Changes Throughout the Year. Discover how the timing of our annual budget appropriation affects our paylines, financial management plan, and award timing.