Edition: March 13, 2025
Feature Article: Changing Institutions? Steps to Take for a Grant to Go with You
If you are conducting human subjects research or research using vertebrate animals, you’ll need to begin the institutional review board or institutional animal care and use process, respectively, at the new institution.

Edition: February 26, 2025
Feature Article: When a Modular Budget Is Right for You
Request a budget sufficient to make your proposed project successful; reviewers will not respond well when faced with a budget that is clearly inflated or insufficient for the proposed work.

Edition: January 15, 2025
Feature Article: Don’t Derail Your Application: Avoid These Electronic Submission Errors
Submitting your application well in advance of its receipt date will allow you ample time to validate the upload and correct any content-related upload errors.

Edition: December 18, 2024
Feature Article: Tabulating NIAID’s R01 and R21 Application and Award Counts for FY 2024
Each year, we share the number of R01-equivalent and R21 applications that NIAID received in the previous fiscal year as well as the number of grants NIAID awarded.

Edition: December 04, 2024
Feature Article: Don’t Waste Your Time: Take an Extra Minute When Selecting NOFOs, Form Sets
We’ve now reached a stretch of time in which two form sets (i.e., FORMS-H and FORMS-I) and two versions of certain notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) will be active simultaneously.

Edition: November 20, 2024
Feature Article: How to Use the World’s Largest Public Clinical Trials Registry as a Resource
While many researchers treat ClinicalTrials.gov only as a repository to submit required study information, it’s also worth thinking of it as an extensive online library.

Edition: November 06, 2024
Feature Article: Long COVID and the RECOVER-TLC Initiative
Long COVID’s broad and varied effects on diverse populations demand new clinical approaches and fewer restrictions to inclusion and access to achieve breakthrough results.

Edition: October 16, 2024
Feature Article: Taking a New Approach to Our Research Training Portfolio
NIAID is committed to improving the availability and effectiveness of our training, fellowship, and career development awards, to include increased support for certain research training activity codes.
Edition: October 16, 2024
Feature Article: NIAID Sets Interim Paylines, Financial Management Plan for FY 2025
Remember, paylines are funding cutoff points for investigator-initiated grant applications based on score during peer review. Notably, we’ve already set interim paylines for every relevant award type.

Edition: October 02, 2024
Feature Article: Happenings from the September Meeting of NIAID’s Advisory Council
NIAID Director Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo shared remarks before NIAID's Advisory Council, as did Dr. Ted Piersen, Director of NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center.

Edition: September 18, 2024
Feature Article: What Is the NIAID Advisory Council and What Does It Do?
NIAID's Advisory Council is comprised of both experts in health and science, contributing technical expertise and an understanding of the needs of research communities of academia and industry, and lay members, who impart a perspective of people and communities affected by diseases in the NIAID research mission.

Edition: September 04, 2024
Feature Article: Explore NIAID Topics for Small Business Innovation Research Contract Solicitation
The annual NIH solicitation serves as a vehicle for offerors to propose research projects on a multitude of scientific topics from across NIH. Proposals are due October 18, 2024.

Edition: August 07, 2024
Feature Article: Small Business Research: Priority Funding Topics for 2025
NIH assembled a list of scientific priorities for small business awards that match the research interests of its institutes and centers, including NIAID.

Edition: July 17, 2024
Feature Article: Check Whether Your Research Is a Good Fit for ARPA-H
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) aims to advance high-potential, high-impact biomedical and health research that cannot be readily accomplished through traditional research or commercial activity.

Edition: July 03, 2024
Feature Article: Looking to the Future at the June Meeting of NIAID’s Advisory Council
NIAID Director Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo shared remarks before NIAID's Advisory Council, as did Dr. Steven Holland, Director of NIAID's Division of Intramural Research.

Edition: June 20, 2024
Feature Article: Explore Spending Estimates and Public Health Burden by Disease Category
NIAID often encourages researchers to use NIH RePORT tools—including Research, Condition, and Disease Categorization (RCDC)—to identify potential collaborators.

Edition: June 05, 2024
Feature Article: Bookmark NIH Webinars Page for Upcoming and Past Events on Funding Topics
For recently established policies, watching a webinar may prove an easier path to understanding NIH's new procedures than would reading policy announcements.

Edition: May 15, 2024
Feature Article: Learn About NIAID Career Opportunities and How to Apply
While many jobs at NIAID require expertise specific to our area of science, you'll notice that many position titles and functional roles are often similar across NIH’s many institutes and centers.

Edition: May 01, 2024
Feature Article: Explore the World of Research and Development Contract Solicitations
Contracts are government requirements for a product or service with specific goals, deliverables, and deadlines, and work done under a contract requires programmatic oversight by NIAID staff.

Edition: April 17, 2024
Feature Article: FORMS-I Transition: Setting Up Dominoes to Topple on January 25, 2025
NIH will transition to FORMS-I for application due dates on or after January 25, 2025, and also implement new policies and procedures that accompany the switch.

Edition: April 03, 2024
Feature Article: Some Applications Have Deadlines for Actions Before the Due Date
NIAID staff can identify issues that may cause your application to be withdrawn, not fare well in peer review, or have lowered potential for an award. The earlier you contact us, the earlier we can provide advice that you can use to improve your application.

Edition: March 20, 2024
Feature Article: Know How to Demonstrate Scientific Progress in Annual Reports
Your program officer will assess the progress, delays, and planned next steps you describe and compare that to your budget request and justification for approval.

Edition: March 06, 2024
Feature Article: Examining NIAID’s R01 and R21 Application and Award Counts for FY 2023
We share the number of R01-equivalent and R21 applications that NIAID received in the previous fiscal year as well as the number of grants NIAID awarded. To add context, we present the data alongside the same figures for the preceding 4 years.

Edition: February 21, 2024
Feature Article: New Leaders Take Center Stage at Advisory Council Meeting in January
This was the first meeting at which NIAID Director Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo shared remarks before NIAID's Advisory Council. It was also the first time that guest speaker Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, NIH Director, addressed our Council.

Edition: February 07, 2024
Feature Article: NIAID Uses Selective Pay, Bridge Awards to Complement Top-Scoring Applications
NIAID strives to always fund those applications that score best in peer review, but we also discern which applications outside the payline can help guard against scientific gaps emerging in our research portfolio.