The next few sections will cover what you need to address when building a team, identifying your resources, and planning a budget you will submit to reviewers.
Salary Caps & Stipends
Congress sets the salary cap for grantees and contractors and stipend levels for trainees and fellows. When you prepare your budget, check the levels you can charge to a grant in your competing or noncompeting application, contract, or proposal. Get more information on the current salary cap and stipend levels.
Build Your Team
As research increasingly taps the expertise of multidisciplinary collaborative groups, more scientists are dealing with the challenges of team science. While the rewards for working collaboratively abound, several factors can pose difficulties that can stymie the best of intentions. Here we highlight considerations and tips for team science.
Determine Institutional Resources
In this step, we explore assessing your needs and how you will determine your access to needed institutional resources such as space, equipment, and facilities. Learn more about defining your institutional resources and what you might need to spend.
Create a Budget
You must present and justify all the expenses required to achieve your project aims and objectives. Ensure that your percent effort, duration, and project scope fit your budget. Learn more about creating a budget for your project.