NIAID provides research grants and contracts to support investigators at universities and other external organizations who conduct basic and applied research to understand, treat, and prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases.
The scientific discoveries and resources supported through grants and contracts have helped NIAID improve the health of people in the U.S. and around the world.
Find a Research Funding Opportunity
NIAID offers research funding through Grant Opportunities and Contract Solicitations.
Find a Funding Opportunity and learn about different Types of Funding Opportunities. For example, NIAID provides R01 Research Grants, Training and Career Development Grants, Small Business Programs, and more.
Before you apply, we encourage you to Understand NIAID Research Priorities, explore data on Funded Projects, and understand key Timelines & Due Dates.
Apply for a Grant
Find extensive NIAID-specific guidance and advice at Apply for a Grant, including how to determine your eligibility, plan your budget, and write your application. Check Sample Applications for examples of good grantsmanship.
Follow NIH and NIAID requirements for Research with Special Considerations: human subjects, vertebrate animals, select agents, genomic data sharing, international research, and more.
Long before you apply, you should Contact a Program Officer in your area of science to discuss your project idea, funding opportunity, and NIAID's perspective on your research.
After You Submit an Application
After You Submit, know how to Track Your Application. It will proceed through the Review Process: scientific First-Level Peer Review, application Scoring, and NIAID Advisory Council.
If you are likely to receive a grant, be ready to Respond to Pre-Award Requests from NIAID staff.
Manage Your Grant Award
Once you get a grant, Manage Your Award carefully. Follow all Reporting Requirements, other NIH terms of award, and NIAID Research Rules and Policies. You must also file Final Reports for Grant Closeout.
Well before your grant ends, plan your next application to ensure continuous funding. Decide whether to Apply for a Renewal or propose a new project.
NIAID Funding News
Twice monthly, we publish NIAID Funding News for external scientists, organizations, and NIAID staff. It covers a wide range of topics including policy and procedure updates, application advice, and current funding opportunities. We encourage you to Subscribe for Email Alerts in the Research Funding category.
Find additional ways to Stay Informed About Policy Changes & News.
NIAID Division of Extramural Activities
The Division of Extramural Activities (DEA) has several functions. As examples, DEA manages grants and contracts, oversees initial peer review for certain award types, provides guidance on extramural policies and procedures, and creates and maintains content for the Grants & Contracts section of this website.
DEA Staff interact with the Institute’s extramural community—applicants, offerors, grantees, institutional officials, and contractors—as well as peer reviewers, committee members, and staff at NIAID and NIH.