Become a Healthy Volunteer

NIAID's important clinical trial work cannot be done without the participation of healthy volunteers! Healthy volunteers are people with no known significant health problems.

Help Make a Difference

As a healthy volunteer you will provide researchers with crucial data because your health information can be used as a comparison. In some studies, researchers need to compare healthy volunteers with people who have a specific disease or condition.

How You Can Volunteer

Click on the button below to see a list of studies seeking healthy volunteers that are listed on the NIAID clinical trials pages. This list is not comprehensive and more studies may be found on

See NIAID Trials Seeking Healthy Volunteers

Another way to volunteer is to join the registry for the Clinical Research Volunteer Program.

Volunteer Testimonial

Photo of Zenovia Wright

Zenovia Wright, VRC Clinical Trial Participant Healthy Volunteer Program

Credit: NIAID

"I connected with the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) to promote HIV vaccine research. Ultimately, I want to do all I can to raise awareness in the community about HIV/AIDS and help those infected with the virus get the support they need. Together, we can stop the spread of this devastating disease."

– Zenovia Wright

Read Zenovia Wright's full story or see more testimonials from clinical study participants.

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