Tuberculosis Information for Researchers

NIAID supports a comprehensive portfolio of research covering basic, translational, and clinical studies to better understand the national history of tuberculosis (TB) and the development of drug resistance. NIAID also provides resources and animal models to investigators worldwide to facilitate biomedical research and help move drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics closer to patients.

Through the information offered here, researchers can learn about the science being conducted at NIAID and by NIAID-funded researchers. Researchers seeking funding can access opportunities to further their own research, while NIAID and NIH grantees can find out about available resources outside of specific funding opportunities. Recent publications, active networks, and ways to connect with other researchers are also available.

Resources for Researchers

NIAID offers resources such as technologies available for licensing or collaboration, computer applications, and other tools and services to the general scientific community to advance basic, preclinical, and clinical research. See all resources for TB researchers

For researchers developing products such as diagnostics, vaccines, or drug therapies, NIAID provides repositories, genomics and bioinformatics services and tools, preclinical studies, and clinical evaluation that support each stage of the product development pathway. Read more about NIAID's support for infectious disease product developers.

Funding Opportunities

NIAID is always accepting researcher-initiated applications. Look up NIAID program officers in the NIH Enterprise Directory who work in your specialty area to discuss potential or related funding for tuberculosis research.

Program Officers

  • Dr. Jim Boyce – Drug Discovery
  • Dr. Katrin Eichelberg – Immunology and Vaccines
  • Dr. Daniel Frank – HIV-TB Clinical Research
  • Dr. Alison Kraigsley – Pathogen Biology
  • Dr. Karen Lacourciere – Diagnostics, Genetics, and Epidemiology
  • Dr. Barbara Laughon – Advanced Drug Development
  • Dr. Susana Mendez – Mycobacterial Biology and Pathogenesis
  • Andre McBride – Preclinical Services
  • Dr. Lakshmi Ramachandra – Tuberculosis Research Advancement Centers (TRACs)
  • Dr. Sudha Srinivasan – HIV-TB Clinical Research

Connect With Other Researchers

Search for scientists at NIAID who research TB in the scientist directory.

Search for scientists funded by NIAID who research TB on RePORTER. 

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