“Can I change my active R01 award from a single PI to a multiple PI award?”

Funding News Edition:
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It is possible to change an award from a single principal investigator (PI) to a multiple PI award, but you as the grant recipient would need to request and receive NIAID’s prior approval to make such a change. 

Our approval isn’t guaranteed. As laid out in our Change of Principal Investigator SOP, you must provide the following information alongside your request:

  • Scientific justification for the change
  • Leadership Plan as detailed in the competing announcement
  • Designation of a contact PI who is physically located at the recipient institution
  • Biographical sketches and other support information for additional PIs
  • Budgetary implications of the change
  • Proposed changes in scope

To learn more about multiple PI awards and Leadership Plans, read Multiple Principal Investigators.

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Email us at deaweb@niaid.nih.gov for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.

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