No. NIH’s Big Grants policy requires investigators submitting unsolicited applications with a budget of $500,000 or more direct costs in any 1 year to request and receive approval from a program officer at least 6 weeks before applying. The rule helps us prepare an appropriate peer review and funding posture.
For some notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) and notices of special interest (NOSIs), we presume large budget requests and do not require the rule. As an applicant, though, it can be difficult to tell whether your application is solicited (as opposed to investigator-initiated or unsolicited).
The best way to be certain is to check Section IV. Application and Submission Information of the NOFO through which you plan to apply. If the big grants rule is in effect, the NOFO (or the NOSI that refers to the NOFO) will say so.
Read the Big Grants SOP for step-by-step instructions on seeking permission to apply with a large budget request.