If you’ve never done so before, take a moment to browse the video recordings listed on NIH’s Webinars page. The topics covered center around applying for and managing NIH-funded research projects.
Many of the past trainings were produced to accompany implementation of new policies. For example, the October 17, 2023 webinar NIH Subaward Requirements: Domestic and Foreign explains policy changes announced in the September 27, 2023 Guide notice. Suppose you are preparing to establish a subaward for the first time in several years; watching the webinar may prove an easier path to understanding the recently established procedures than would reading policy announcements.
The Webinars page also links to NIH Grants Conference: Session Recordings & Resources, which captures discussions on ubiquitous funding topics like:
- Grant Writing for Success
- Budget Building Blocks
- Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce
- NIH Peer Review Study Sections
- Compliance Pitfalls and Strategies for Success
Slide sets and transcripts for each presentation are also available on the page.
Virtual Events as Groundwork for FORMS-I Implementation
As discussed in our April 17, 2024 article “FORMS-I Transition: Setting Up Dominoes to Topple on January 25, 2025,” NIH will transition to a new form set about 8 months from now and will use that moment as an opportunity to implement a collection of key policy updates.
NIH is hosting webinars to explain the planned changes to the extramural research community:
- Simplified Review Framework for Research Project Grants
- Updates to NIH Training Grant Applications
- Revisions to the Fellowship Application and Review Process
NIH also plans to host, but has not yet scheduled, trainings on Common Forms for Biographical Sketches and Current and Pending (Other) Support.
Registration for upcoming trainings is posted on the Webinars page as it becomes available, and a recording of each training is indexed on the page following the live event.