Extended Deadline for Characterization of HIV Vaccine Formulations BAA

Funding News Edition:
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Two months ago, we highlighted NIAID’s broad agency announcement (BAA) Rational Systematic Characterization and Selection of Adjuvants for HIV Vaccine Candidates (R-CASA) in our Funding News article Investigate Vaccine Formulations with HIV Immunogens and Adjuvants. As explained in our coverage, the BAA aims to complement and expand NIAID’s Adjuvant Comparison and Characterization program by:

  • Expanding the number of HIV immunogens that can be investigated for eliciting broad neutralizing antibodies as well as relevant T cell responses.
  • Expanding the number of clinically relevant adjuvants that can be investigated.
  • Investigating the effects of alternative immunization strategies and regimens (e.g., escalating dosing, viral vectors, immunogens).

Note that NIAID has extended the application deadline; proposals are now due on July 7, 2023, at 4 p.m. Eastern Time.

Direct questions to Kishan Patel, NIAID contracting officer, at patelki@niaid.nih.gov or 301-451-4334

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