News Briefs and Worth Repeating

Funding News Edition:
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Attend NIH Webinars on Grant Closeout, Fellowship Application and Review

You can register now for a pair of virtual events on key topics:

The former will focus on final progress reports, invention statements, property reports, the Federal Financial Report, and more. The latter will describe new review criteria for fellowship applications, as well as modifications to sections of the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form, candidate biosketch, and referee letter instructions.

Both webinars will be closed-captioned and include an American Sign Language interpreter. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be submitted at least 5 days before the respective event to

Stay Sharp on Best Practices for Genomic Data Sharing 

NIH is updating two practices under the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy to better promote responsible data management and access—modernizing security standards and controlling access to data by developers. The planned changes will go into effect on January 25, 2025.

The specific requirements for security standards and controlled access are quite technical. If you develop or manage platforms, databases, tools, or user interfaces that interact with human genomic data, read the July 25, 2024 Guide notice to assess whether your current approaches are in compliance with the new standards. 

Direct questions to NIH’s Office of Science Policy at or 301-496-9838.

A Reminder for Small Businesses Seeking Funding in Women’s Health Research

Last month, we covered the parent Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) in our article “Small Business Research: Priority Funding Topics for 2025.”

If you plan to apply through the parent NOFOs, recall that NIH’s Office of Women’s Health Research published Notice of Special Interest: Women’s Health Research to invite SBIR/STTR grant applications on topics like autoimmune diseases, the immune system at critical timepoints for women, and strategies that address the disproportionate burden of sexually transmitted infections in women. Should your planned research match the priority areas of that NOSI, then include “NOT-OD-24-079” in the Agency Routing Identifier field (box 4B) of the SF 424 R&R form of your investigator-initiated SBIR/STTR grant application.

Read ORWH Co-Funds Small Business Funding Opportunities to learn more.

Subscribe to New Quarterly Newsletter from COSWD for Funding Insights

To support NIH’s Engagement and Access for Research-Active Institutions (EARA) initiative, NIH’s office for scientific workforce diversity (known as COSWD) launched the EARA Info Plus Newsletter to provide information on NIH grant writing, funding opportunities, and events. The listserv is open to the public, so subscribe if you’d like a quarterly synopsis of updates relevant to Research-Active Institutions.

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