News Briefs and Worth Repeating

Funding News Edition:
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Subawards Policy Changes Take Effect on January 1, 2024 

NIH requires that grant recipients arrange a written agreement with any consortium organization receiving a subaward to ensure compliance with NIH requirements. NIH reserves the right to request copies of the written agreement and relevant supporting documentation. 

Going forward, foreign subrecipients must agree in the written agreement to provide the primary recipient with access to copies of all lab notebooks, data, and documentation that support the project’s research outcomes at a frequency of no less than once per year. 

NIH expects recipients to update existing foreign subaward agreements within 60 days of the effective date: January 1, 2024. Find guidance on NIH’s Subawards and Frequently Asked Questions—Subawards pages.

NIH Is Currently Operating Under a Continuing Resolution

NIAID will remain funded at the level of fiscal year (FY) 2023 appropriations through February 2, 2024, when the current continuing resolution (CR) will expire. All legislative mandates that were in effect in FY 2023 remain in effect under this CR, as well as the salary limitation set at Executive Level II of the Federal Pay Scale and the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award predoctoral and postdoctoral stipend levels, tuition, and fees. Refer to the December 14, 2023 Guide notice.

To learn more, read Background on NIAID Funding Opportunity Planning and the Budget Cycle. Refer also to our Financial Management Plan.

Podcast Episodes Discuss the Hidden Curriculum for Early-Career Researchers

A career in biomedical research demands top notch scientific expertise. It also requires informal skills and knowledge built around communication, collaboration, and networking. Two recent episodes of NIH’s “All About Grants” podcast take up the latter topic:

Tune in for a discussion of how you can use your personal strengths and experiences to give direction to your professional development and career progression. 

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