NIAID Updates Interim R01, R03, and R21 Paylines

Funding News Edition:
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On January 23, NIAID updated the interim paylines for research projects (R01), small grants (R03), and exploratory/developmental grants (R21) as follows:

  • R01 (established principal investigators): 11 percentile
  • R01 (new and early-stage investigators): 15 percentile
  • R03: 27 overall impact score
  • R21: 27 overall impact score

Check NIAID Paylines for the complete current list. As described further on that page, NIAID uses paylines as funding cutoff points for certain types of investigator-initiated grant applications. For more background, including how to determine your application’s likelihood of funding, refer to Understand Paylines and Percentiles and learn how NIAID Paylines and Budget Information Changes Throughout the Year.

You can Subscribe to Email Alerts to be notified when we set or raise a payline. We also announce payline updates on Twitter at @NIAIDNews.

NIAID’s Acting Director Dr. Hugh Auchincloss announced the paylines listed above and other budgetary details at the NIAID Advisory Council Meeting—January 2023. We will summarize the January Council meeting in the next edition of NIAID Funding News.

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