NIAID Grant Writing Webinar Series – Navigating NIH to Prepare Your Grant Application (DP2/R38/K38 Awards)


Thu, June 20, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 am


Zoom webinar


In this series of 6 webinars, we will discuss how to navigate your NIH grant application with emphasis on early career researchers - graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinician scientists and junior faculty. The webinars will provide information on the funding opportunities for early career researchers at NIAID, navigating the F, K, DP2 and R38/K38 awards and understanding the peer review process.

This monthly webinar series is free and open to all to pre- and post-doctoral fellows, clinician-scientists, as well as early-stage and mid-career research investigators.

NIH Calendar of Events

NIH Calendar of Events

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