Meghan Hartwick, M.Sc., Ph.D. [E]

Program Officer

Contact: For contact information, search the NIH Enterprise Directory.


M.Sc., Tufts University
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

Headshot of Meghan Hartwick


Meghan Hartwick is a Program Officer in the Office of Science and Emerging Technologies (ODSET). During her Ph.D. work in Molecular and Evolution Systems Biology (MESB) at the University of New Hampshire and MSc work in Conservation Medicine with Tufts University, she developed mathematical models and bioinformatic approaches to predict public health risk from emerging water and foodborne microbial pathogens. She has contributed to advancing data science in infectious disease research through publications in high-impact journals, as a deputy editor of the Journal of Public Health Policy, and a Senior Fellow with Tufts InFORMID leading international research projects and training for the next generation of data scientists to promote data-driven solutions for complex health challenges. As a Program Officer in ODSET, Meg is contributing to the development of the NIAID Data Ecosystem and the management of our Data Science research initiatives.