Tickborne Diseases Information for Researchers

NIAID is conducting and supporting research to find better ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent tickborne diseases (TBD) as well as ways to control the tick populations that transmit microbes.

Support for Research

Resources for Researchers

NIAID offers resources such as technologies available for licensing or collaboration, computer applications, and other tools and services to the general scientific community to advance basic, preclinical, and clinical research. See all resources for tickborne disease researchers

For researchers developing products such as diagnostics, vaccines, or drug therapies, NIAID provides repositories, genomics and bioinformatics services and tools, preclinical studies, and clinical evaluation that support each stage of the product development pathway. Read more about NIAID's support for infectious disease product developers.

Funding Opportunities

Contact the following staff within the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases to learn about possible funding opportunities:

  • Dr. Sam Perdue, Chief, Basic Sciences Section, Rickettsial and Related Diseases Program Officer, Bacteriology and Mycology Branch
  • Dr. Nadine Bowden, Lyme Disease Program Officer, Bacteriology and Mycology Branch
  • Dr. Adriana Costero-Saint Denis, Program Officer, Vector Biology, Parasitology and International Programs Branch

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