Production of Adjuvant Mimics and Small Business Innovation Research

Many experimental and licensed vaccines depend on adjuvants to exert their protective effect. While several immunostimulatory compounds and formulations are available commercially for use in preclinical studies, these compounds generally cannot be advanced into clinical trials. Furthermore, head-to-head comparisons of novel experimental and existing adjuvants is hampered by limited availability of such reagents.

The Adjuvant Mimic Program addresses the limited availability of adjuvants that mimic those with a favorable clinical track record or show high potential in late pre-clinical testing.

Data generated from supported studies are made publicly available through the Vaccine Adjuvant Compendium (VAC), enabling the rational selection of adjuvants and the future development of more effective vaccines against infectious diseases and/or new vaccines to treat allergic or autoimmune diseases.

Main Areas of Focus

Development, validation, and production of adjuvants that are based on, or similar to, compounds or formulations previously used successfully in clinical trials for use by the broader research community, either as commercial products or through licensing agreements.


Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program solicitation PHS-2024-1

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