NIAID has a long-standing interest in the development of new candidate vaccine adjuvants, as described in the NIAID Strategic Plan for Vaccine Adjuvant Research, and supports adjuvant research through both investigator-initiated grants and solicited research programs listed below.
The Vaccine Adjuvant Compendium (VAC) was established in 2020 by the NIAID Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation to foster collaborations between NIAID-supported adjuvant researchers and the broader scientific community. The VAC collects and displays adjuvant characteristics and metadata to help vaccine developers identify suitable adjuvants for various vaccine indications, including immune-mediated and infectious diseases, and cancer. Many vaccine adjuvants may also be useful as stand-alone immunotherapeutics, for example in cancer treatment. Data in the VAC come from both, NIAID-supported research and research programs not supported by NIAID.
Through a collaboration with Ontobee, adjuvants submitted to the VAC will be assigned a unique vaccine ontology identifier (ID) number (VO-ID) that links the VAC record to the adjuvant’s entry in the vaccine adjuvant ontology site. Investigators are encouraged to cite this ID number in publications to clearly identify an adjuvant.
Available Resources
Database of adjuvant characteristics or metadata defined through NIAID-supported adjuvant studies.
VAC welcomes the inclusion of adjuvant metadata generated by other research programs.
Learn how to use and access VAC or go directly to the Vaccine Adjuvant Compendium (VAC) website.
Read more about NIAID's Vaccine Adjuvant Research Programs
Solicited adjuvant research programs include:
- Adjuvant Discovery Program
- Adjuvant Development Program
- Adjuvant Discovery and Adjuvant Development SBIR Contract Programs
- Production of Adjuvant Mimic SBIR Contract Program
- Molecular Mechanisms of Combination Adjuvants Program
- Adjuvant Comparison and Characterization Program
- Advancing Vaccine Adjuvant Research for Tuberculosis (TB) Program