NIAID Posts Final FY 2023 Paylines for R01, R15 Grants

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We’ve set final paylines for research project grants (R01) and research enhancement awards (R15) at NIAID Paylines. Fiscal year (FY) 2023 paylines cover investigator-initiated applications reviewed for the September 2022, January 2023, and June 2023 Council meetings.

Grant Type Description Payline
R01 (non-new Pls) Research Projects for established investigators 12 percentile
R01 (new PIs) Research Projects for new and early-stage investigators 16 percentile
R15 Research Enhancement Awards 22 overall impact score

Remember, paylines represent funding cutoff points. Each fiscal year, NIAID sets conservative interim paylines before ultimately determining final paylines. This approach allows us to award top-scoring applications throughout the fiscal year rather than waiting until the end of the fiscal year (once every application has been reviewed and scored) to decide which applications to pay.

Note that we use percentiles rather than overall impact scores to rank R01 applications relative to others scored by the same study section. This practice guards against study sections interpreting NIH review criteria differently, i.e., a particular study section uniformly scoring applications too harshly or too favorably. Read Understand Paylines and Percentiles for a longer explanation.

NIAID also sets a separate R01 payline for new and early-stage principal investigators (PIs). The aim of this practice is to ensure success rate parity between established and new and early-stage PIs.

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