Sepideh Mazrouee, M.S., Ph.D.

DATA Scholar

Contact: For contact information, search the NIH Enterprise Directory.


M.S., University of Texas at Dallas

Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles

Photo of Sepideh Mazrouee, M.S., Ph.D.


Sepideh Mazrouee, Ph.D., is a computer scientist by training and is currently a Data and Technology Advancement (DATA) Scholar in the Office of Data Science and Emerging Technologies (ODSET). Sepideh received her PhD from the University of California Los Angeles specializing in big data analytics of human and plant DNA sequence reconstruction. She has worked as a research scientist and postdoctoral fellow at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). Her research interests include computational methodologies to model the spread of infectious diseases, analyze retro/prospective transmission network data, and design prediction models for outbreaks and epidemics to assist public health interventions.

As a DATA Scholar, Dr. Mazrouee is contributing to the design and development of the Knowledge Graphs, AI and related technologies for infectious- and immune-mediated disease research as part of Pandemic Preparedness project. She is also a research scientist at UCSD. Her research focuses on developing methodologies to predict the spread of COVID-19 and similar epidemics using AI frameworks.