Inform the Center for Scientific Review of Your Assignment Preferences

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When it comes to grant applications, investigators often have an idea of what assignments they’d like; that is, in terms of institute or center (IC) or study section. While the Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) in the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will make these assignments based on the best scientific fit, you may let staff know your preferences.

In any case, it’s a good idea to consult a program officer to get his or her advice on the appropriate institute and study section assignments.

By using the optional PHS Assignment Request Form, you can convey the following to DRR. Keep in mind that you do not need to fill in all the form’s sections and fields.

What You Convey

What to Do

  1. Your preference for:
  • Awarding component, e.g., IC
  • Study section

Enter up to three ICs for “Awarding Component Assignment Suggestions.” Then enter up to three choices for “Study Section Assignment Suggestions.”

  1. The scientific expertise needed to review your application

List up to five types of expertise (general or specific) required to evaluate your application. Do not name specific people.

  1. People to be excluded from your application’s review

List specific people who should not review your application and provide sufficient information on why they should be excluded.

Check Your Assignments

Here’s what you can expect, assignment-wise.

Within 7 to 10 days after you submit your application: You should find your initial assignment information in the eRA Commons. If a CSR review branch is listed instead of a specific study section, don’t worry. CSR will update this information with your study section assignment in the next few days.

Approximately 30 days before the review meeting: Your study section’s roster will be posted in eRA Commons.

To be clear, which reviewers are assigned to which application is never shared. The total roster is public, but individual assignments are not. If a review meeting has only an application or two, then the rosters are often aggregated with those of other small meetings to maintain anonymity of assignments.

Making Changes

If you used the PHS Assignment Request Form and feel you did not get the appropriate IC assignment, you can email CSR’s Division of Receipt and Referral to ask for a change. You can also request a change if you submitted an investigator-initiated R01, R21, or R03 application and feel your application was not assigned to an appropriate study section. Contact the review branch chief where your application is currently assigned for further advice. CSR will consider your request, but in the end, its decision is final.

For further details on checking and changing assignments, go to Application Assigned to a Review Group and First-Level Peer Review to expand on the role of reviewers, NIAID versus CSR review, and more.

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