Burkina Faso ICEMR: Malaria Parasite and Vector Transmission Across Landscapes (PIVOTAL)

Lead Institutions: Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé; Colorado State University; Yale School of Public Health

Research Areas

Burkina Faso remains amongst the highest burden malaria countries worldwide despite aggressive deployment of multiple different prevention measures, including the widespread use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs), targeted indoor residual spraying (IRS), and seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) for young children. The country straddles three ecological zones ranging from the northern Sahel to the southwestern Sudanian zones, and within each zone, vast differences in transmission exist between urban/periurban, rural, and gold-mining sites. This diversity in settings is further complicated by persistent and robust transmission of multiple distinct parasite species and a wide array of competent and variably abundant vector species.

Although Plasmodium falciparum maintains its dominance in sub-Saharan Africa, many settings, including in Burkina Faso, have demonstrated a significant prevalence of P. ovale species and P. malariae. This underappreciation is fueled by a lack of sensitive and specific diagnostics, and their persistence is further supported by a lack of adequate treatments, particularly for the dormant liver stage of P. ovale species. On the vector side, each species tends to occupy different larval niches that cluster in space and time across the year. This variable spatiotemporal clustering, the vector’s diverse and adaptable blood feeding habits and behaviors and high resistance to pyrethroids and many other insecticides has contributed further to this intransigence. Finally, recent evidence suggests that different vector species may preferentially transmit sporozoites of different Plasmodium species.

The Burkina Faso ICEMR will leverage long-standing local and international academic and public health collaborations to create a sustainable malaria surveillance network across the varied ecozones and landscapes within the country. The research team will capture both vector and parasite species dynamics as well as their interplay. Xenosurveillance of mosquito blood meals across up to four distinct sites in all three ecozones will be followed by the establishment of multiple longitudinal household cohorts over three years across ecozones and landscapes in a subset of site(s) in each ecozone. Individuals within households will be sampled more intensively when found to have mixed and mono-infections of P. falciparum, P. malariae, and P. ovale to study parasite asexual and gametocyte dynamics, culture adaptation, and assessment of drug susceptibility. Collection of indoor and outdoor vectors will include the use of indoor aspiration, light and pit traps, as well as cattle/human-baited tent traps. Vector competence will be assessed through a combination of direct membrane and skin feeding.

Regional Impact

The Burkina Faso ICEMR is spread north to southwest across the Sahelian, Sudan-Sahelian, and Sudanian ecological zones, with rainy seasons lasting as short as 2-3 months to 5-6 months. Zones vary in the number of rounds of SMC, primary and secondary vector species distribution, insecticide resistance, and more recently, in the types of bed nets deployed. The ICEMR will work in partnership with the Ministry of Health and has close ties with long-standing programs such as the President’s Malaria Initiative. Local leading academic research institutions include the Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS) and the Institut des Sciences et Techniques de Bobo (INSTech), both of whom will have support from long-standing international collaborations at Colorado State University and the Yale School of Public Health.

The overall goal is for the ICEMR to inform country-wide and regionally-targeted treatment and prevention policies through a strengthening of surveillance of both vector and parasite dynamics across its varied ecology. The ultimate goal is to sustainably advance malaria control across the country and the greater West African region through a strengthening of allyship across multiple partners.

Study Sites

View Associated sites for the Burkina Faso ICEMR in a larger map

Map description: Sites associated with the Burkina Faso ICEMR: Districts of Kongoussi, Kaya, Nanoro, Dedougou, Solenzo, Bama Department, Bobo-Dioulasso, Diebougou, Gaoua, Ouagadougou, Gourcy, Seguenega

Collaborating Institutions

  • Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS), Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
  • Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
  • Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT
  • Institut des Sciences et Techniques (INSTech), Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso


Principal Investigators: Roch Dabire, Ph.D.; Sunil Parikh, M.D, M.P.H.; Brian Foy, Ph.D.

Project Leads

  • Xenosurveillance and parasite dynamics: Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo, M.D., Ph.D., Fabrice Somé, Ph.D.; Sunil Parikh, M.D., Amy K. Bei, Ph.D.
  • Vector bionomics, competence and resistance: Roch Dabire, Ph.D., Brian Foy, Ph.D., Serge Yerbanga, Ph.D., Elizabeth Hemming-Schroeder, Ph.D.
  • Data Management: James Dziura, Ph.D.; Serge Somda, Ph.D.
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