Last week, NIAID announced a medley of changes for our career development (K) and institutional training (T) awards meant to help us better foster future investigators and maintain a balanced research training portfolio. The changes underscore our continued commitment to supporting the next generation of biomedical researchers within NIAID’s mission areas and enhancing scientific workforce diversity.
The K award changes take effect with the next Standard Due Date for K applications—specifically, applications due on or after June 12, 2024. Similarly, changes for T awards take effect with the next NIAID due date for T award applications on September 25, 2024.
We run through the changes below, each with a link to a corresponding Guide notice that provides additional details.
What’s Different
For a Research Scientist Development Award (K01), we will increase annual salary support, now up to $100,000 with fringe benefits, as well as research support up to $50,000 annually. Refer to NOT-AI-24-038.
For a Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24), we will no longer accept renewal (Type 2) applications. Additionally, to clarify an existing eligibility requirement, NIAID will not accept K24 applications from full professors; applicants should be mid-career faculty at the associate professor level or equivalent. Refer to NOT-AI-24-043.
For a Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Award (K25), we will increase annual salary support, now up to $100,000 with fringe benefits, as well as research support up to $50,000 annually. Refer to NOT-AI-24-038.
For a Career Transition Award/Research Transition Award (K99/R00), we will increase annual salary support, now up to $100,000 with fringe benefits, as well as research support up to $50,000 annually, during the K99 phase. Additionally, the maximum project period for a K99/R00 award will increase to 5 years, to include a K99 phase of up to 2 years and an R00 phase of up to 3 years. Refer to NOT-AI-24-038, NOT-AI-24-039, and NOT-AI-24-040.
For an Institutional National Research Service Award (T32), we will now limit the total number of predoctoral and/or postdoctoral training slots to a maximum of eight trainee slots per training grant in any given year. This change will apply to all new and renewal applications. Current NIAID T32 recipients with 10 or more trainee slots per year will need to reduce their number of slots by not reappointing vacated slots until the eight-slot limit is reached and maintained. Refer to NOT-AI-24-052.
Finally, NIAID will no longer participate in National Research Service Award (NRSA) Short-Term Research Training (T35) awards. Refer to NOT-AI-24-044.
For General Guidance
While the changes catalogued above are useful to know, you may find it more helpful to learn about how NIAID’s training, fellowship, and career development awards compare to one-another. Find that information on our page Choose an Award by Career Stage.