Mpox is a high priority research area for NIAID laboratory researchers as well as funded research. Through the information offered here, researchers can learn about the science being conducted at NIAID and by NIAID-funded researchers. Researchers seeking funding can access opportunities to further their own research, while NIAID and NIH grantees can find out about available resources outside of specific funding opportunities, and ways to connect with other researchers are also available.

NIH Releases Mpox Research Agenda
As part of the U.S. government response to the current mpox outbreak NIAID has released an update on its priorities for mpox research. This research agenda outlines near-term (planned) and ongoing projects led by NIAID as part of a broader United States government supported mpox research effort. It is not a notice of new funding opportunities.
Read and download the NIH Mpox Research Agenda.
Support for Research
Funding Opportunities
Contact the Virology Branch within the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases to learn about possible funding opportunities.
You can also search funding opportunities and announcements.
Resources for Researchers
NIAID offers resources such as technologies available for licensing or collaboration, computer applications, and other tools and services to the general scientific community to advance basic, preclinical, and clinical research. See all resources for mpox researchers.
For researchers developing products such as diagnostics, vaccines, or drug therapies, check out NIAID's support for infectious disease product developers.
Connect with Other Researchers
Search for scientists at NIAID who research mpox in the scientist directory.
Search for scientists funded by NIAID who research mpox on RePORTER.
Mpox Research Gathering
Friday, March 31, 2023
The Mpox Research Gathering discussion was based on content presented in the recorded presentations and facilitated using a series of discussion questions developed collaboratively with members of the research and advocacy community.