Application Resubmissions SOP

This standard operating procedure (SOP) includes the following sections: Purpose, Procedure, Contacts, and Links.

Some links will work for NIAID staff only.


To enable investigators to resubmit their applications when their initial peer review results are not in the fundable range.


An investigator may resubmit an application once within 37 months of the application's original receipt date, as long as the notice of funding opportunity allows for resubmissions. Note that resubmission deadlines may differ from the new application submission date.

Resubmissions must address reviewer comments from the original application's summary statement.

Even if the original application does not receive a fundable score, it may be funded later. If the original application is funded after the resubmission application has been submitted, the resubmission must be withdrawn.

Investigators and Applicants

  • Follow our advice at Options if Your Application Isn't Funded for timing and other matters.
  • Include an introduction that addresses the previous summary statement and indicate how your resubmission differs from the original submission. The introduction is a PDF attached to the PHS 398 Research Plan component and is required for resubmissions. For the introduction:
    • Outline substantial scientific changes.
    • Summarize substantial additions, deletions, and changes to the application.  
    • Respond to major weaknesses raised in the summary statement. 
    • Change the application type in Box 8 of the SF 424 to “Resubmission.”
    • Include the previous application number in Box 4a “Federal Identifier.”
    • Do not identify individual changes in the text of Specific Aims, Research Strategy, and other application attachments.
  • If you are not funded after the initial submission and one resubmission, submit a new research application. You may not address previous summary statement issues as a separate attachment in a new application.


Applicants with questions should read Contacting Program Officers and Grants Management Specialists.

Contact for NIAID Staff

Use the contacts listed above for questions about your specific situation. If you have a general question or a suggestion to improve this page, email the Office of Knowledge and Educational Resources at


Frequently Asked Questions: Resubmission New

NIH Resubmission Applications

December 4, 2014 Guide notice: NIH Modification to Guidance on Marking Changes in Resubmission Applications

Scoring and Summary Statements

Revise and Resubmit an Application

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