Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development (CHAVD)

CHAVD are two consortia established by NIAID to develop and select through iterative design HIV immunogens and regimens that induce broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb) responses for advancement into clinical testing. The two seven-year awards were made in 2019, one to the Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) and another to the Scripps Research Institute. These awards represent the third iteration of the Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI), which DHVI led from 2005-2012. that initial award was followed by two other seven-year grants (Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology & Immunogen Discovery (CHAVI-ID) awarded to DHVI and Scripps Research in 2012. 

Main Areas of Focus

  • Identifying in humans the specificity and functionality of the antibody and other immune responses at different anatomical locations that can provide protective immunity by vaccination by contributing durable broad-coverage virus-neutralizing responses.
  • Studying envelope isolates and exploring immunogens, adjuvants, delivery technologies, and regimens that induce different specificities of broad and durable protective neutralizing antibody responses.
  • Performing proof-of-concept active and passive protection studies in nonhuman primates or other relevant animal models.
  • Designing and performing GMP manufacturing process development and manufacturing candidate immunogen constructs for iterative phase I clinical studies.
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