INA-RESPOND Network (Indonesia)

INA-RESPOND is a collaborative clinical research partnership formed in 2010 between NIAID and the Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Republic of Indonesia. The mission of INA-RESPOND is to improve the health of the people of Indonesia and benefit the international community by conducting high quality infectious disease research through a collaborative, sustainable, and well-recognized research network.

A primary goal of the partnership is to develop capacity to rapidly launch a research response to emerging infectious disease threats. This is realized through conducting research studies aligned with NIAID and MoH scientific priorities, hosting technical workshops, and resolving administrative barriers to international collaboration. INA-RESPOND has collaborated with domestic and international investigators to implement studies on a variety of infectious disease topics, and new opportunities and collaborations are periodically evaluated by committees of scientific experts and leaders from NIAID and the MoH.

The partnership is operationalized through three components:

  • A central coordinating Secretariat based at the National Infectious Disease Center, RSPI Sulianti Saroso Hospital, in Jakarta
  • A sophisticated reference laboratory and specimen biorepository based at RSUD Tangerang Hospital in Banten province, Java
  • A network of experienced MoH, academic, and private clinical sites distributed across the Indonesian archipelago

At NIAID, the management and oversight of INA-RESPOND resides principally in the Collaborative Clinical Research Branch (CCRB) of the Division of Clinical Research (DCR).

Clinical Studies

AFIRE (NCT02763462): A 2013-2016 prospective observational cohort study on the infectious etiologies of acute fever in 1,492 patients hospitalized at eight referral hospitals on Java, Sulawesi, and Bali.

TRIPOD (NCT02758236): A 2017-2021 prospective observational cohort study of 490 patients with presumed pulmonary TB seen at seven referral hospitals for drug resistant tuberculosis on Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Bali.

PEER-PePPes (NCT03366454): A 2017-2019 prospective observational cohort study evaluating etiologic agents in 188 children hospitalized with community acquired pneumonia at three hospitals on Java.

PROACTIVE (NCT03663920): A 2018-2024 prospective observational cohort study of 189 children and 4,147 adults with HIV enrolled at nineteen hospitals across Indonesia and followed for three years. PROACTIVE is the largest HIV cohort study conducted in Indonesia to-date.

D2EFT (NCT03017872): A 2019-2024 multinational study that included 46 randomized Indonesian adults with HIV seen at four hospitals on Java and Sulawesi.

SchisCCA (NCT03870204): A 2019-2020 longitudinal cohort study evaluating a rapid diagnostic test for Schistosoma japonicum infection among 62 children and 124 adults living in Central Sulawesi.

ORCHID (NCT04339179): A 2020-2021 prospective observational cohort study on the infectious etiologies of outbreaks and difficult referral cases. The study was reoriented during the COVID-19 pandemic to enroll 185 adults hospitalized with presumptive SARS-CoV-2 infection at two sites on Java and Bali.

ICOS (NCT04385251): A 2020-2021 multinational prospective observational cohort study of outpatients with SARS-CoV-2 infection that included 357 Indonesian adults enrolled at two sites on Java and Sulawesi.

ITAC (NCT04546581): A 2020-2021 multinational, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of hyperimmune intravenous immunoglobulin for hospitalized COVID-19 patients that included 33 randomized Indonesian adults at three hospitals on Java.

InVITE (NCT05096091): A 2021-2024 multinational study of COVID-19 vaccine immunogenicity and durability that enrolled 700 Indonesian adults at three sites on Java, Kalimantan, and Flores.

Contact Information

For more information about the INA-RESPOND Network and the Collaborative Clinical Research Branch (CCRB), please email

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