Filariasis Research Reagent Resource Center (FR3)

The Filariasis Research Reagent Resource Center (FR3) maintains oversight of filarial parasites, SOPs, and molecular reagents. FR3 is comprised of two divisions: The Parasite Resource Division and the Molecular Resources Division.

More information about this resource is available at Filariasis Research Reagent Resource Center (FR3)


The Parasite Resources Division provides:

  • Filariasis parasites maintained in the laboratory by alternate passage through mammalian definitive hosts and arthropod vectors

The Molecular Resources Division provides:

  • Molecular reagents
  • Protocols for using molecular reagents

The BEI Resources Repository now handles some reagents. Learn more about what the BEI Resources Repository provides.


  • Parasite protocols: A collection of standard protocols used by FR3 to maintain the life cycles of filarial worms and their vectors
  • Molecular protocols: A collection of standard protocols for researchers studying filariasis
  • Molecular diagnostic protocols: PCR-based diagnostic tests for the detection and differentiation of filarial parasites in blood and mosquitoes

Collaboration Opportunities

  • Researchers are invited to donate or suggest reagents.
  • The Molecular Resources Division also invites submission of materials to the Center.

Who Can Use This Resource

  • Users, domestic or foreign, must be a principal investigator (PI), laboratory director, or equivalent in a public or academic institution, or a director of research or equivalent in a private or for-profit institution.
  • Users must work in an established institution with appropriate facilities and safety programs for the appropriate level of registration requested.
  • Users need not be a grantee of NIAID or another National Institutes of Health Institute or Center.

How To Get Started

  • All reasonable requests are approved by the contractor.
  • There is a limit placed on the amount of materials that can be obtained per shipment from the Parasite Resources Division. However, justified requests to meet needs that exceed these limits will be honored.


  • Annual training sessions (“wet lab” and “didactic” aspects) on the use and maintenance of parasite and vector life cycles and related techniques
  • Annual minicourse to introduce students, postdocs, prinicpal investigators (PIs), university professors, and industry representatives to organismal and molecular techniques commonly used in filariasis research
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