HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)—Ancillary/Exploratory Studies

The HVTN shares data and specimens collected in its studies with investigators who would like to use our materials to answer research questions related to vaccinology, immunology, or HIV/AIDS. These studies are called ancillary/exploratory studies, and the Network invites any researchers to do these studies because it is our belief that collaborative science benefits everyone, including the community.

More information about this resource is available at HVTN Studies

Main Areas of Focus

  • To make the most of data and samples collected during clinical trials
  • To benefit researchers who may not have the resources to collect the required data and specimens on their own

Collaboration Opportunities

  • Investigators working on research to answer questions related to vaccinology, immunology, or HIV/AIDS are invited to submit a proposal to use data and/or specimens collected in HVTN clinical trials.

How To Get Started

Contact Information

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