This standard operating procedure (SOP) includes the following sections: Purpose, Procedure, Contacts, and Links.
Some links will work for NIAID staff only.
To support investigator-initiated clinical trials (IICT) through planning grants, research grants, or implementation cooperative agreements through a defined policy and process.
To apply for an award to support an IICT, applicants must go through the process described below.
Our main Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trials Resources page provides an overview. Also refer to the NIAID IICT Policy Guide notice and IICT Notice of Information.
Applicants can apply for one of these awards:
- R01—for investigators who are ready to begin a clinical trial that is not high-risk*
- Extended R01—for investigators who are ready to begin a 6- or 7-year clinical trial that is not high-risk*
- R21—for investigators who are ready to begin a clinical trial that is not high-risk*
- U01—for investigators who are ready to begin a high-risk* clinical trial
- U44—for small businesses who are ready to begin a clinical trial
If you need support to get ready for the launch of an IICT, such as planning, designing, and preparing the documentation necessary for implementing an IICT, consider applying first for an NIAID Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34, Clinical Trial Not Allowed). An R34 is not a prerequisite for any clinical trial award.
Prospective IICT applicants will benefit from prior consultation with program staff, as described below.
*For the NIAID definition of high risk, check How do I determine level of risk and choose an award type for my application? on IICT Awards – General Questions and Answers.
Prior Consultation—All Applicants and Principal Investigators (PIs)
- Request prior consultation with NIAID staff at least 10 weeks (12 weeks for an extended trial or if you plan to request a budget of $1,000,000 or larger in direct costs in any year) before the application due date.
- Contact the NIAID division point of contact identified in the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), who will refer you to the appropriate program officer.
- Prepare to discuss the items listed in Requesting Prior Consultation—Clinical Trial Applications and Planning Grants.
- Allow 6 weeks for NIAID to review your materials.
- If you plan to request a budget of or larger than $500,000 in direct costs in any year, include a request to submit a big grant application with your prior consultation materials. We will handle the budget approval and prior consultation requests simultaneously. Refer to the Big Grants SOP.
- After NIAID has reviewed your materials, your program officer will give you a letter signed by the NIAID division director that summarizes the prior consultation discussion. Include this letter as Other Attachments when you apply.
Start the process as soon as possible. Refer to Prior Consultation Timeframes for Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trial Applications.
R34 Process for Applicants and PIs
Consulting and Applying
- Consult with a program officer before applying, as described above at Prior Consultation.
- If you need a planning period funded by NIAID, read NIAID Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34, Clinical Trial Not Allowed) for details.
- You may request up to $150,000 for up to 1 year of support.
- The result of the planning grant should be the documentation needed to apply for a clinical trial award—refer to the sections below.
- NIAID does not guarantee that we will encourage you to submit an R01, R21, or U01 application even if you successfully complete an R34.
- Your application must include all items listed in the NIAID Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34, Clinical Trial Not Allowed) and in Requesting Prior Consultation—Clinical Trial Applications and Planning Grants.
- Learn more in the Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trial R34 Planning Grants Questions and Answers.
- Prepare your application following instructions in the SF 424 grant application package and the NIAID Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34, Clinical Trial Not Allowed) NOFO.
R01 and R21 Process for Applicants and PIs
- Consult with a program officer before applying, as described above at Prior Consultation.
- Apply for an R01 or R21 if the clinical trial you propose is non-high risk, check How do I determine level of risk and choose an award type for my application? on IICT Awards – General Questions and Answers.
- Note: If for other reasons we determine that substantial staff involvement is necessary, we may ask you to apply for an implementation cooperative agreement (U01). Refer to U01 Process—Applicants and PIs below.
- Provide the following information when you request NIAID prior consultation (you will provide more information later):
- Protocol synopsis
- Informed consent and, if applicable, assent forms
- Statistical analysis plan
- Listing that includes identification and qualifications of clinical trial sites, pharmacies, and laboratories
- Comprehensive laboratory plan
- Data management plan
- Learn more in the Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trial R01 and R21 Implementation Grants Questions and Answers.
- Follow instructions in the R01, Extended R01, or R21.
- Include your prior consultation letter as an Other Attachment.
- Describe all milestones in your Study Timeline. These milestones will be incorporated into your terms of award.
- Describe in sufficient detail all the support services that would be required for successfully implementing the proposed clinical trial. This includes but is not limited to regulatory submission, clinical site monitoring, safety monitoring, and quality management. Conversely, support services do not extend to investigational new drug/investigational device exemption (IND/IDE)-enabling studies for clinical trial interventions with drugs or medical devices that the FDA has not already approved.
- Include a sufficient and appropriate budget to support these activities. Funding depends on several factors, including technical merit, relative program priority, sufficiency of proposed budget, and available funds.
- NIAID will consider the successful attainment of milestones as part of its annual assessment of progress. NIAID retains the option of a periodic external peer review of progress.
- If you're unable to complete a trial within the performance period of your award, contact the appropriate Program Division Contact listed in the Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Administrative Extension SOP to see if NIAID will consider extending your award. Also read the Extension of Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials Questions and Answers.
U01 Process for Applicants and PIs
- Consult with a program officer before applying, as described above at Prior Consultation.
- Apply for a U01 if the clinical trial you propose is high-risk, which we define as follows:
- You plan to provide a non-routine intervention, i.e., an intervention that would not otherwise be provided for the study condition in the facility where the trial is being conducted.
- You plan to administer an unlicensed product or use a licensed product for an unapproved indication.
- Provide the following information when you request NIAID prior consultation (you will provide more information later):
- Complete clinical protocol
- Informed consent and, if applicable, assent forms
- Statistical analysis plan
- Plan for acquiring and administering study agents
- Investigator's Brochure or equivalent for study products
- Documentation of adequate co-funding, if applicable and necessary for completing the trial
- Plan for submitting regulatory documents to appropriate regulatory authorities, for example, IND and Institutional Review Board (IRB) submissions
- Listing that includes identification and qualifications of clinical trial sites, pharmacies, and laboratories
- Table of Contents for the Manual of Operations
- Comprehensive laboratory plan
- Data management plan
- Site quality management plan
- Learn more in the Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trial U01 Implementation Awards Questions and Answers.
- Follow instructions in the U01.
- Include your prior consultation letter as an Other Attachment.
- Describe all milestones in your Study Timeline. These milestones will be incorporated into your terms of award.
- Describe in sufficient detail all the support services that would be required for successfully implementing the proposed clinical trial. This includes but is not limited to regulatory submission, clinical site monitoring, safety monitoring, and quality management. Conversely, support services do not extend to IND/IDE-enabling studies for clinical trial interventions with drugs or medical devices that the FDA has not already approved.
- Include a sufficient and appropriate budget to support these activities. Funding depends on several factors, including technical merit, relative program priority, sufficiency of proposed budget, and available funds.
Post-Implementation Award
- NIAID will consider the successful attainment of milestones as part of its ongoing assessment of progress. NIAID retains the option of a periodic external peer review of progress.
- If you're unable to complete a trial within the performance period of your award, contact the appropriate Program Division Contact listed in the Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Administrative Extension SOP to see if NIAID will consider extending your award or submit as a renewal application. Also read the Extension of Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials Questions and Answers.
U44 Process for Applicants and PIs
- Consult with a program officer before applying, as described above at Prior Consultation.
- Provide the following information when you request NIAID prior consultation (you will provide more information later):
- Complete clinical protocol
- Informed consent and, if applicable, assent forms
- Statistical analysis plan
- Plan for acquiring and administering study agents
- Investigator's Brochure or equivalent for study products
- Documentation of adequate co-funding, if applicable and necessary for completing the trial
- Plan for submitting regulatory documents to appropriate regulatory authorities, for example, IND and IRB submissions
- Listing that includes identification and qualifications of clinical trial sites, pharmacies, and laboratories
- Table of Contents for the Manual of Operations
- Comprehensive laboratory plan
- Data management plan
- Site quality management plan
- Learn more in the SBIR Phase II Clinical Trial U44 Implementation Cooperative Agreement Questions and Answers.
- Follow instructions in the U44.
- Include your prior consultation letter as an Other Attachment.
- Describe all milestones in your Study Timeline. These milestones will be incorporated into your terms of award.
- Describe in sufficient detail all the support services that would be required for successfully implementing the proposed clinical trial. This includes but is not limited to regulatory submission, clinical site monitoring, safety monitoring, and quality management. Conversely, support services do not extend to IND/IDE-enabling studies for clinical trial interventions with drugs or medical devices that the FDA has not already approved.
- Include a sufficient and appropriate budget to support these activities. Funding depends on several factors, including technical merit, relative program priority, sufficiency of proposed budget, and available funds.
Post-Implementation Award
- NIAID will consider the successful attainment of milestones as part of its ongoing assessment of progress. NIAID retains the option of a periodic external peer review of progress.
- If you're unable to complete a trial within the performance period of your award, contact the appropriate Program Division Contact listed in the Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Administrative Extension SOP to see if NIAID will consider extending your award. Also read the Extension of Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials Questions and Answers.
Program Staff and Management
Initial Inquiry and Discussion With NIAID
- Your division point of contact identified in the appropriate NOFO will refer applicants to you. All applicants should prepare for the discussion by reviewing the information at Requesting Prior Consultation—Clinical Trial Applications and Planning Grants.
- Discuss the items listed at Requesting Prior Consultation—Clinical Trial Applications and Planning Grants.
- Follow your division’s internal process to create a letter summarizing the prior consultation discussion and send this letter to the applicant. You may use the Request Form for Prior Consultation for an Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trial Application if applicable.
- If the applicant requests a budget with total direct costs of $500,000 or more in any year, follow the process described in the Big Grant SOP in addition to the IICT process.
- DEA—
- DAIDS—Martin Gutierrez
- DAIT—Ellen Goldmuntz
Use the contacts listed above for questions about your specific situation. If you have a general question or a suggestion to improve this page, email the Office of Knowledge and Educational Resources at
- Human Subjects Research Requirements in Grants SOP and other Human Subjects Resources SOPs listed at Research Rules and Policies
- Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trial Resources
- Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trials Questions and Answers
- Rules and Policies for Clinical Research
- Request Form for Prior Consultation for an Investigator—Initiated Clinical Trial Application (staff routing form)