The Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units (VTEUs), supported by the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) since the 1960s, provide a ready resource for the conduct of clinical trials to evaluate promising vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics for infectious diseases. The sites are part of DMID's Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Consortium (IDCRC).
Main Areas of Focus
- To conduct a broad range of studies including Phase I, Phase II, and Phase IV clinical trials of vaccines, therapeutics, and other biologics and drugs as preventive and therapeutic measures against infectious diseases in people of all ages and risk categories
Who Can Use This Resource
Users are required to enter into a Clinical Trials Agreement, as appropriate, which outlines roles, responsibilities, and expectations, including:
- DMID will sponsor the investigational new drug (IND) application for the study.
- In addition to clinical research sites, DMID will provide safety oversight, clinical monitoring, data management, and regulatory management.
- Study product will be shipped to and stored in DMID’s central repository prior to shipping to the clinical site.
- Users will complete non-clinical efforts and supply study product.
- The protocol must be approved by DMID prior to study initiation.
- All clinical site Principal Investigators and collaborators will retain publication rights.
Both DMID and the User will maintain confidentiality.
Evaluation Criteria
At each stage of the application process (described in the "How to Get Started" section on this page), concept proposals are evaluated on a number of factors, including, but not limited to:
- Potential public health impact:
- Provides data to support policy decisions
- Impacts development of a product/potential of the product for licensure
- Addresses a question that will advance public health
- Programmatic relevance:
- Fills gaps in the current portfolio
- Has a feasible overall product development plan
- Tests new technologies or approaches
- Is a hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-testing trial
- Leverages collaboration with external (non-DMID) resources
- Feasibility and readiness:
- Accesses readily available populations
- Utilizes a scientifically and statistically appropriate study design
- Uses available scientific data to support the planned indication/path forward
- Requires completion of the manufacturing, pre-clinical, and other activities before the proposed trial can start
How To Get Started
Due to the high volume of requests received to conduct clinical trials in the VTEUs, DMID has developed criteria and a two-stage review process for determining whether to support proposed studies.
First Stage
The first stage is the preparation and submission of a study concept/synopsis to DMID. Concepts may be proposed by VTEU investigators, DMID staff members, or members of the scientific community after consultation with relevant DMID staff; the early steps of this stage often involve extensive discussions between the potential collaborator and DMID. During this stage, relevant DMID staff will focus their review of the proposed concept on multiple aspects, including the evaluation factors described above.
Please contact if you need assistance identifying the appropriate DMID staff contact.
Second Stage
After discussing and refining the concept with the submitter, relevant DMID staff will evaluate the proposal and determine if it meets the criteria to move forward to the second stage of the review process. If so, the concept is then presented at the DMID Clinical Science Review Meeting.