The WRCEVA program maintains the Emerging Viruses and Arboviruses Reference Collection and provides reagents and support for investigations of virus outbreaks throughout the world.
More information about this resource is available at WRCEVA
Main Areas of Focus
- To provide reagents and support for viral scientific research and investigations of virus outbreaks throughout the world
- To identify and characterize numerous arboviruses and/or other suspected emerging viruses spread by mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects and animals to people and domestic animals
- To investigate the epidemiology of the diseases these viruses cause
Reference collection including:
- Over 10,000 arthropod-borne, rodent-borne, and other zoonotic and human viruses
- Complementary sera (e.g., hyperimmune mouse ascites fluids)
- Diagnostic antigens
- Arthropod cell lines
- Reagents (viral nucleic acids, infected/inactivated cell supernatants, etc.)
Who Can Use This Resource
- Investigators in academia, not-for-profit organizations, industry, and government worldwide may request WRCEVA services.
- Investigators and requesting institutions must be in compliance with all appropriate federal and state regulations for receipt of materials.
- Users are responsible for shipping costs.
- Researchers should acknowledge NIAID and the WRCEVA in any publication resulting from the use of this service.
How To Get Started
- Applicants should email Dr. Kenneth Plante (UTMB), Dr. Jessica Plante (UTMB), and Dr. Sara Woodson (NIAID Program Officer) with a brief description of research, reagent needs, and full contact information.
- Drs. Kenneth and Jessica Plante will then consult with the requester and PO to provide the reagents that best match the investigator's needs and project goals.
- Materials are provided in order of request and availability.
Assurance to Requestors
- All information provided to NIAID or WRCEVA will be treated as confidential.
- Users must sign a Materials Transfer Agreement, a contractual agreement that governs the exchange of research materials and tools, and provide assurances that the investigator and requesting institution are in compliance with all appropriate federal and state regulations for receipt of materials.
- Descriptive information is provided along with the reagent (e.g., virus name, strain, source, titer, passage history).
- Services are provided at University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
Contact Information
- Dr. Sara Woodson, Virology Branch, Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, NIAID
- Dr. Kenneth Plante
- Dr. Jessica Plante