Fengkai Zhang, M.D., M.Math.

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Computational Systems Biology Section
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Program Description

A range of methodologies is utilized in systems biology to simulate biological pathways, uncovering the intricate ways molecules function within living organisms and enabling hypotheses about potential interactions and reaction rate ranges without relying on traditional experimental measurements. Among these, rule-based modeling abstracts similar reactions into rules that summarize the characteristics and binding states of individual molecular components within large molecular complexes. This approach offers a distinct advantage by simplifying the representation of molecular reactions, organizing entities within hierarchical structures that align with biological formats at both the molecular and sub-molecular levels, such as domains and binding sites. Furthermore, the rule-based modeling approach can address the combinatorial complexity inherent in biological systems.

Simmune is a software suite that uses rule-based modeling to simulate biological pathways. It constructs models of biological reactions through its unique icon-based modeling language from single reactions and provides a flexible, high-level network view for model inspection. Simmune can simulate models in well-stirred environments, efficiently explore large parameter spaces, and help users identify the most relevant parameters, offering insights into the relationships between different parameters. Additionally, Simmune supports the simulation of spatially resolved models in discrete grid morphologies and 3D environments, with the ability to analyze and visualize results at fine-grained subcellular levels.

Simmune supports the Multistate, Multicomponent, and Multicompartment Species Package for SBML Level 3 (SBML-Multi) to exchange rule-based models. This standard is part of an initiative by the COmputational Modeling in BIology NEtwork (COMBINE) community standards and formats for computational models. Our group leads the effort for the SBML-Multi standard.

Simmune is built with technologies including C/C++, Qt, VTK, CMake, Python, SQL, MongoDB, Boost, version control, Sundials, and parallel computing, providing a powerful, flexible modeling tool that remains user-friendly for biological researchers with limited computing expertise. Our group collaborates with researchers in immunology, proteomics, computational modeling, and systems biology.

Selected Publications

Xu X, Quan W, Zhang F, Jin T. A systems approach to investigate GPCR-mediated Ras signaling network in chemoattractant sensing. Mol Biol Cell. 2022 Mar 1;33(3):ar23.

Zhang F, Smith LP, Blinov ML, Faeder J, Hlavacek WS, Juan Tapia J, Keating SM, Rodriguez N, Dräger A, Harris LA, Finney A, Hu B, Hucka M, Meier-Schellersheim M. Systems biology markup language (SBML) level 3 package: multistate, multicomponent and multicompartment species, version 1, release 2. J Integr Bioinform. 2020 Jul 6;17(2-3):20200015.

Keating SM, Waltemath D, König M, Zhang F, Dräger A, Chaouiya C, Bergmann FT, Finney A, Gillespie CS, Helikar T, Hoops S, Malik-Sheriff RS, Moodie SL, Moraru II, Myers CJ, Naldi A, Olivier BG, Sahle S, Schaff JC, Smith LP, Swat MJ, Thieffry D, Watanabe L, Wilkinson DJ, Blinov ML, Begley K, Faeder JR, Gómez HF, Hamm TM, Inagaki Y, Liebermeister W, Lister AL, Lucio D, Mjolsness E, Proctor CJ, Raman K, Rodriguez N, Shaffer CA, Shapiro BE, Stelling J, Swainston N, Tanimura N, Wagner J, Meier-Schellersheim M, Sauro HM, Palsson B, Bolouri H, Kitano H, Funahashi A, Hermjakob H, Doyle JC, Hucka M; SBML Level 3 Community members. SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological models. Mol Syst Biol. 2020 Aug;16(8):e9110.

Cheng HC, Angermann BR, Zhang F, Meier-Schellersheim M. NetworkViewer: visualizing biochemical reaction networks with embedded rendering of molecular interaction rules. BMC Syst Biol. 2014 Jun 16;8:70.

Zhang F, Angermann BR, Meier-Schellersheim M. The Simmune Modeler visual interface for creating signaling networks based on bi-molecular interactions. Bioinformatics. 2013 May 1;29(9):1229-30.

Angermann BR, Klauschen F, Garcia AD, Prustel T, Zhang F, Germain RN, Meier-Schellersheim M. Computational modeling of cellular signaling processes embedded into dynamic spatial contexts. Nat Methods. 2012 Jan 29;9(3):283-9.

Major Areas of Research
  • Design and development of systems biology simulation applications
  • Development of a standard of the Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species Package for SBML Level 3 to exchange rule-based models
  • Simulating and analyzing well-stirred and spatially resolved computational models for signaling processes

Philip P. Adams, Ph.D.

Contact: philip.adams@nih.gov


Ph.D., 2017, Biomedical Sciences, University of Central Florida, FL
B.S., 2012, Biology, Summa Cum Laude, West Virginia Wesleyan College, WV

Headshot of Philip P. Adams, Ph.D.

Scientists Discover Cause, Potential Treatment for Cases of Deadly Autoimmune Disorder


NIAID-led scientists’ discovery of a hidden gene variant that causes some cases of a devastating inherited disease will enable earlier diagnosis of the disorder in people with the variant, facilitating earlier medical care that may prolong their lives. The researchers are working on a treatment for this unusual form of the rare autoimmune disease, known as APECED, and have traced its evolutionary origins. The findings are published in the journal Science Translational Medicine

APECED—short for autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy—causes multi-organ dysfunction, usually beginning in childhood, and can kill up to 30% of people with the syndrome. If diagnosed early and treated by a multidisciplinary healthcare team, however, people with APECED can survive into adulthood. Scientists in NIAID’s Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology (LCIM) have developed a world-class APECED diagnostic and treatment program, currently caring for more than 100 patients as part of an observational study and serving as a resource for clinicians across the globe.

APECED is caused by mutations in a gene called AIRE, which provides instructions for making a protein that keeps the immune system’s T cells from attacking the body’s tissues and organs. These genetic mutations reduce or eliminate the protein’s normal function, leading to autoimmunity. 

Most people with APECED are diagnosed based on their clinical signs and symptoms as well as on genetic testing that confirms they have a disease-causing mutation in the AIRE gene. However, as the LCIM team studied people who came to NIH with APECED, they found 17 study participants with clinical signs and symptoms of the disease but no detectable mutations in AIRE. These participants shared two notable characteristics. The families of 15 of the 17 participants were wholly or partly from Puerto Rico, a relatively small, self-contained geographic area, suggesting that the individuals’ disease might have the same genetic cause. In addition, all 17 participants had the same harmless mutation to a single building block, or nucleotide, in both copies of their AIRE gene (one inherited from each parent). This suggested they all might have a similar stretch of genetic material in or around AIRE. These clues led the researchers to start hunting for a unique genetic mechanism that could be causing APECED in the group. 

The Quest for a Genetic Cause

Using technologies called whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing, the scientists determined the order of all the nucleotides in the DNA of each study participant. By examining and comparing these genetic sequences, the researchers discovered that the 17 participants had the same mutation to a single nucleotide located in a different part of the AIRE gene than the mutations commonly known to cause APECED. APECED-causing mutations usually occur in parts of the AIRE gene called “exons,” which contain the DNA code for the protein. The mutations also sometimes occur at either end of the large, non-coding sections of AIRE called “introns,” which are located in-between the exons. The newly discovered mutation was in the middle of an AIRE intron rather than at either end, so how it caused disease was initially unclear.

To solve this puzzle, the researchers examined what happens when the version of AIRE with this mid-intron mutation gets transcribed into mature messenger RNA (mRNA), the protein precursor. Normally, a molecule called a spliceosome detects the boundaries between introns and exons, cuts out the exons, and “pastes” them together in order. The scientists discovered that the mid-intron AIRE mutation fools the spliceosome into “thinking” that part of the intron is an exon, leading it to cut and paste part of the intron—extraneous genetic material—into the mature mRNA. This gives cells instructions to make an AIRE protein with an incorrect amino-acid sequence at one end. The researchers predicted and then showed that this protein can’t function normally, confirming that the mid-intron AIRE mutation causes APECED in the 17 study participants who previously lacked a genetic diagnosis. 

The scientists anticipate that the newly discovered AIRE variant will be added to genetic screening panels given to people who doctors suspect have APECED or who have a family history of the disease. This could facilitate earlier diagnosis and treatment of people with the mid-intron AIRE mutation, potentially prolonging their lives. It will also enable these individuals to receive genetic counseling to inform their family planning decisions. According to the researchers, the new findings also suggest that there may be other undiscovered, mid-intron mutations that cause APECED or other inherited diseases.

A Potential Treatment in the Making

Now NIAID LCIM scientists are working on a treatment for APECED caused by the mid-intron mutation. They engineered five different strings of nucleic acids, known as antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), designed to hide the mutation from the spliceosome. Laboratory testing in cells with the mid-intron AIRE mutation showed that one ASO worked. Unable to “see” the mutation, the spliceosome cut out the correct AIRE exons and pasted them together to make mature mRNA that could be translated into a normal AIRE protein. Next, the researchers will test this mutation-masking tool in a mouse model of APECED with this specific mid-intron mutation. They expect results in two to three years. 

ASOs are an emerging form of treatment for rare genetic diseases, sometimes custom-made for just one person.

Origins of the Mutation

Through genetic and statistical analyses, the researchers estimated that the mid-intron mutation first occurred about 450 years ago. This timing coincides with when the first Europeans colonized Puerto Rico, hailing from the Cdiz province of Spain. Notably, one of the two study participants who did not have Puerto Rican ancestry also was from Cdiz and had the same set of DNA variants on one of his chromosomes as the participants with Puerto Rican ancestry. According to the researchers, these findings suggest that one or a few early Spanish colonizers of Puerto Rico carried the mid-intron AIRE mutation, and it eventually became a major cause of APECED in the Puerto Rican population. Further studies are needed to determine the prevalence of this cause of APECED among Puerto Ricans and other populations with Spanish ancestry.    

By contrast, one member of the study cohort had no known Puerto Rican or Spanish ancestry and did not share the same set of DNA variants as the other 16 participants. The investigators say this suggests that the mid-intron AIRE mutation also emerged independently in North America and will likely be found in additional Americans with APECED who do not have Puerto Rican or Spanish ancestry.

Note: APECED is also known as APS-1, short for autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1. 


S Ochoa et al. A deep intronic splice-altering AIRE variant causes APECED syndrome through antisense oligonucleotide-targetable pseudoexon inclusion. Science Translational Medicine DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adk0845 (2024).

D Karishma et al. Antisense oligonucleotides: an emerging area in drug discovery and development. Journal of Clinical Medicine DOI: 10.3390/jcm9062004 (2020).

F Collins. One little girl’s story highlights the promise of precision medicine. NIH Director’s Blog. https://directorsblog.nih.gov/tag/milasen/ Oct. 23, 2019. Accessed Oct. 30, 2024.

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NIAID Funds Cutting-Edge Genomics and Bioinformatics Programs


NIAID Funds Cutting-Edge Genomics and Bioinformatics Programs 

NIAID has announced six awards to continue the Genomics Centers for Infectious Diseases (GCIDs) and Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) for Infectious Diseases, both important data science networks offering critical resources for the scientific community. NIAID expects to commit approximately $19.1 million per year to fund the five-year programs. The awards mark the 20th anniversaries of the GCID and BRC programs and extend NIAID's history of investing in cutting-edge pathogen genomics and bioinformatics research – the relatively new field of using patient gene sequences and computer analysis to identify, predict and prevent disease. 

The GCIDs and BRCs provide public access to high-quality genomic data and data analytics technologies, tools, and training to facilitate discoveries by researchers studying viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, other eukaryotic pathogens, and vectors. In addition, in the event of an infectious disease outbreak, the GCID and BRC programs offer network expertise and resources and provide a coordinated research response.

For example, the GCIDs use innovative, large-scale genomics technology and bioinformatics tools to find specific genetic sequences to explain how pathogens cause disease and whether pathogens are resistant to available treatments. GCID studies can enhance understanding of infection mechanisms, track pathogen transmission dynamics, and improve detection – all leading to better diagnostics, prevention, treatment, and pathogen elimination strategies.

For more information, visit the GCID program website

The BRCs are publicly accessible online resources that include data on pathogens, vectors, and hosts. The newly funded BRCs will have four primary objectives: 

  1. To provide integrated data and bioinformatics resources for infectious diseases.
  2. To develop advanced innovative bioinformatics technologies, software, and tools to accelerate basic and applied human infectious diseases research.
  3. To offer state-of-the-art bioinformatics trainings, educational materials, and other community outreach activities for the infectious diseases research community in the United States and globally.
  4. To offer cutting-edge bioinformatics resources and analytics in response to emerging needs, outbreaks, and public health emergencies consistent with NIAID’s mission.

The newly funded BRCs will align with the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science and incorporate globally distributed repositories and analytical capabilities that will be strengthened by a program-wide commitment to FAIR data principles and collaborative work. All three funded centers will conduct activities and advance research across all four programmatic objectives and will become operational soon after the awards are made. Two centers, the Bioinformatics Resource Analytics Center (BRC.analytics) and the Pathogen Data Network will address all pathogen types relevant to the NIAID mission and will continue to make available bioinformatics data compiled during previous funding periods from eukaryotic pathogens and vectors, and from bacteria and viruses. Both centers will have a specific focus on advancing the knowledge base and tools for bioinformatics analysis of eukaryotic genomes but will also advance technologies for bacterial and viral bioinformatics. The Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center (BV-BRC) will continue its focus on bacterial and viral pathogens, and bioinformatics data compiled for bacteria and viruses during previous funding periods will be found on its site.

Bioinformatics infrastructure advances anticipated include: providing uniform and easy access to numerous pathogen-relevant external resources; integrating infectious diseases data with additional human and clinical data; and providing large-scale automated bioinformatics workflows and dataset management.

The BRC program is expected to enhance NIAID’s outbreak and pandemic preparedness response by offering accessible platforms that integrate public health, pathogen and other data.  For more information, visit the BRC program website.

GCID award recipients are:

The Center for Advancing Genomic, Transcriptomic and Functional Approaches to Combat Globally Important and Emerging Pathogens

  • Principal Investigator/Director: Daniel Neafsey, Ph.D.
  • Institute: Broad Institute, Boston, Massachusetts

The Center for Integrated Genomics of Mucosal Infections

  • Principal Investigator/Director: Joseph Petrosino, Ph.D.
  • Institute: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

The Michigan Infectious Disease Genomics (MIDGE) Center

  • Principal Investigator/Director: Adam Lauring, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Institute: The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

BRC award recipients are: 

The Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center (BV-BRC)  

  • Principal Investigator/Director: Rick Stevens, Ph.D.
  • Institute: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
  • Website: https://www.bv-brc.org/

The Bioinformatics Resource Analytics Center (BRC.analytics)  

  • Principal Investigator/Director: Anton Nekrutenko, Ph.D.
  • Institute: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 
  • Website: https://brc-analytics.org/

The Pathogen Data Network 

  • Principal Investigator/Director: Aitana Neves, Ph.D.
  • Institute: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Website: https://pathogendatanetwork.org/


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Thorsten Prüstel, Ph.D.

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Computational Systems Biology Section
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Program Description

A major focus of our research is on developing computational modeling approaches that are not only able to predict the behavior of complex biological systems, such as the human immune system, but that also provide insights into the mechanisms that underlie the systems’ behavior. Such a mechanistic understanding of those cellular processes that play key roles in health and disease is critical in the search of novel treatment strategies. It requires simulation methods that can describe the intricate interactions of the systems’ components on a variety of biological scales, ranging from single molecules, over individual cells and multicellular structures to whole organisms.

On the most fundamental biological scale that our research covers, the level of single molecules and reaction-diffusion driven interactions of molecular complexes, subcellular processes behave in a stochastic fashion. Therefore, an important research objective has been the development of high-resolution single-particle stochastic simulation methods that can correctly and efficiently capture reaction-diffusion processes in the context of cellular biochemistry, for instance at and adjacent to cell surfaces, where many of the cellular signaling processes are initiated. Accordingly, a further major research goal has been the development of computational representations of arbitrarily shaped geometries. Here, a focus has been on models that are flexible enough to not only represent the shape of separate cells, but also interfaces between two cells. Such interfaces form, for instance, when two immune system cells exchange information on pathogens (see figure below).

The availability of efficient and detailed stochastic simulations is a prerequisite for establishing a bridge between the stochastic events of cellular biochemistry on the molecular scale and the higher-level cellular behavior that underlies health and disease.

A blue-colored model representing a single-particle stochastic simulation of a T-cell and an antigen-presenting cell interacting with each other via a T-cell protrusion contact.

Snapshot of a high-resolution single-particle stochastic simulation of a T-cell (blue-colored model) and an antigen-presenting cell interacting with each other via a T-cell protrusion contact. Bright dots represent single T-cell receptors and peptide: MHC complexes.

Selected Publications

Prüstel T, Meier-Schellersheim M. Space-time histories approach to fast stochastic simulation of bimolecular reactions. J Chem Phys. 2021 Apr 28;154(16):164111.

Johnson ME, Chen A, Faeder JR, Henning P, Moraru II, Meier-Schellersheim M, Murphy RF, Prüstel T, Theriot JA, Uhrmacher AM. Quantifying the roles of space and stochasticity in computer simulations for cell biology and cellular biochemistry. Mol Biol Cell. 2021 Jan 15;32(2):186-210.

Prüstel T, Meier-Schellersheim M. Unified path integral approach to theories of diffusion-influenced reactions. Phys Rev E. 2017 Aug;96(2-1):022151.

Prüstel T, Tachiya M. Reversible diffusion-influenced reactions of an isolated pair on some two dimensional surfaces. J Chem Phys. 2013 Nov 21;139(19):194103.

Prüstel T, Meier-Schellersheim M. Exact Green's function of the reversible diffusion-influenced reaction for an isolated pair in two dimensions. J Chem Phys. 2012 Aug 7;137(5):054104.

Angermann BR, Klauschen F, Garcia AD, Prüstel T, Zhang F, Germain RN, Meier-Schellersheim M. Computational modeling of cellular signaling processes embedded into dynamic spatial contexts. Nat Methods. 2012 Jan 29;9(3):283-9.

Visit PubMed for a complete publication listing.

Additional Information

Tools and Resources

Simmune Project

Major Areas of Research
  • Stochastic simulation approaches to cellular signaling
  • Computational models of cellular morphology 
  • Interplay between stochastic and spatial aspects of cellular signaling at cell-cell contacts (example: T-cell receptor activation)
  • Interactions between migrating cells and their environment

Comprehensive Analysis of RNAi-screen Data (CARD)

CARD is a comprehensive web-application for integrated analysis and interactive visualization of RNA interference (RNAi) screening data.


Glucocorticoids are the cornerstone of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy in humans. They are often the drugs of choice when rapid and potent control of an overactive immune system is necessary. This was exemplified recently by their successful use in the treatment of patients with severe COVID-19. Unfortunately, glucocorticoids also have serious side effects that affect every organ system, and each type of human cell has a very different response to glucocorticoids.

Iterative Bleaching Extends Multiplexity (IBEX) Knowledge-Base

The IBEX Imaging Community is an international group of scientists committed to sharing information on multiplexed imaging in a transparent and collaborative manner. This open, global repository is a central resource for reagents, protocols, panels, publications, software, and datasets.

Sinu P. John, Ph.D.

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Signaling Systems Section
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Program Description

Our research focuses primarily on identification of cell intrinsic factors (protein coding and non-coding genes) associated with regulation of macrophage signaling. We use high throughput genome-wide techniques such as RNAi screening, CRISPR screening, RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc. to identify and characterize the genes and gene-regulatory mechanisms that modulate the immune response in macrophage cells. In addition, we study the role of various external factors (environmental pollutants, drugs, diet, etc.) that modulate the immune response in macrophages with an emphasis to develop therapeutic candidates for the treatment of infectious and immune diseases. We use both bacterial and several emerging viral models such as HIV, Influenza, SARS-CoV-2, etc. to study the impact of immune regulation by various intrinsic and external factors.

Selected Publications

John SP, Singh A, Sun J, Pierre MJ, Alsalih L, Lipsey C, Traore Z, Balcom-Luker S, Bradfield CJ, Song J, Markowitz TE, Smelkinson M, Ferrer M, Fraser IDC. Small-molecule screening identifies Syk kinase inhibition and rutaecarpine as modulators of macrophage training and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cell Rep. 2022 Oct 4;41(1):111441.

John SP, Sun J, Carlson RJ, Cao B, Bradfield CJ, Song J, Smelkinson M, Fraser IDC. IFIT1 Exerts Opposing Regulatory Effects on the Inflammatory and Interferon Gene Programs in LPS-Activated Human Macrophages. Cell Rep. 2018 Oct 2;25(1):95-106.e6.

John SP, Chin CR, Perreira JM, Feeley EM, Aker AM, Savidis G, Smith SE, Elia AE, Everitt AR, Vora M, Pertel T, Elledge SJ, Kellam P, Brass AL. The CD225 domain of IFITM3 is required for both IFITM protein association and inhibition of influenza A virus and dengue virus replication. J Virol. 2013 Jul;87(14):7837-52.

Zhu J, Gaiha GD, John SP, Pertel T, Chin CR, Gao G, Qu H, Walker BD, Elledge SJ, Brass AL. Reactivation of latent HIV-1 by inhibition of BRD4. Cell Rep. 2012 Oct 25;2(4):807-16.

Everitt AR, Clare S, Pertel T, John SP, Wash RS, Smith SE, Chin CR, Feeley EM, Sims JS, Adams DJ, Wise HM, Kane L, Goulding D, Digard P, Anttila V, Baillie JK, Walsh TS, Hume DA, Palotie A, Xue Y, Colonna V, Tyler-Smith C, Dunning J, Gordon SB; GenISIS Investigators; MOSAIC Investigators; Smyth RL, Openshaw PJ, Dougan G, Brass AL, Kellam P. IFITM3 restricts the morbidity and mortality associated with influenza. Nature. 2012 Mar 25;484(7395):519-23.

Brass AL, Huang IC, Benita Y, John SP, Krishnan MN, Feeley EM, Ryan BJ, Weyer JL, van der Weyden L, Fikrig E, Adams DJ, Xavier RJ, Farzan M, Elledge SJ. The IFITM proteins mediate cellular resistance to influenza A H1N1 virus, West Nile virus, and dengue virus. Cell. 2009 Dec 24;139(7):1243-54.

Visit PubMed for a complete publication listing.

Major Areas of Research
  • Genes and epigenetic states modulating macrophage signaling and function
  • Identification and characterization of trained immunity stimuli
  • Applications of trained immunity in infectious and immune disease

Leverage Your Expertise Towards Genomic Centers for Infectious Disease Program

Funding News Edition:
See more articles in this edition

Are you capable of research to develop and use innovative genomic and bioinformatics tools with an emphasis on human pathogens and their interactions with the host and microbiome? If so, apply to join the Genomic Centers for Infectious Disease (GCID) Program through the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) Genomics Centers for Infectious Diseases (U19, Clinical Trial Not Allowed).

Despite substantial progress in the use of sequencing in both clinical and research settings, significant obstacles continue to hinder the use of sequencing for all infectious diseases, including in the areas of diagnostics, therapeutics, microbial-host interactions, and fundamental genomics. The GCID Program aims to develop and advance approaches in genomic technologies, computational tools, and large-scale data analysis over a broad range of pathogens. These efforts will continue to support NIAID’s efforts to understand and respond to high-priority, emerging infectious disease threats.

Research Objectives and Scope

The overarching research objectives of the GCID Program are to 1) develop cutting-edge technologies and critical computational tools using genome-scale methods; 2) develop methods and protocols to successfully use high-throughput sequencing and genomic technologies to study infectious diseases, including host-microbiome interactions; and 3) advance genomics in clinical and basic research for different pathogens, including those with more complex genomes, and emerging pathogens during epidemic and pandemic disease outbreaks.

Applicants’ proposed research approaches should be innovative and provide rapid and cost-efficient production of high-quality sequences. NIAID expects projects that incorporate emerging technologies in all areas of genomics, with a basic and translational scope, and use of clinical samples obtained through collaboration.

Below are example research areas that are of interest to NIAID:

  • Systematic, genomic-scale approaches, including bioinformatic tools and methods that help understand pathogens and gene functions.
  • Research to evaluate genetic variations in human pathogens and across the human and animal reservoir genomes to identify genetic associations with observable phenotypes in the pathogen and human host.
  • Computational tools and metagenomic approaches to better understand microbial populations, communities, their interactions, and common traits across taxa as it relates to infectious diseases.
  • New and innovative genomic, transcriptomic, and computational methods to explore and advance genomic epidemiology to understand pathogen and vector evolution, the development of drug resistance, and disease transmission.
  • Emerging technologies to explore unknown areas and aspects of pathogen or vector genomes, e.g., non-coding regions, post-transcriptional modifications, areas of hyper-evolution, genome copies, and their role in pathogenesis, transmission, and disease.

Conversely, applications that include the following types of studies will be considered nonresponsive and NIAID will not review them:

  • Studies that focus exclusively on genomic technology development without using technology to sequence and characterize human pathogens and/or their interaction with the host.
  • Studies that do not have genomic technology development and propose only hypothesis-driven research projects.
  • Studies that focus exclusively on the host immune response.
  • Studies proposing genome editing of human embryonic stem cells.
  • Clinical trials.
  • Studies on HIV or AIDS.

GCID Program Components

The Program shall consist of an Administrative Core; four research projects, each addressing a different human pathogen group (i.e., one project each from viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites and vectors); one Technology and Data Core; and up to one optional Scientific Core. The Technology and Data Core will support all research projects.

Applications that do not include the required components will be considered nonresponsive and will not be reviewed.

This initiative will also support Collaborative Pilot Projects for small-scale studies in areas of shared scientific or technological interest among the funded GCIDs, and of benefit to the broader scientific community. The Administrative Core will identify projects with input from the Administrative Core Leader and in consultation with NIAID.

Likewise, the initiative will support Emergency Response Projects to develop critical genomics-based technological tools, methods, and studies that advance our understanding of pathogens during pandemic and epidemic outbreaks. Such projects will be identified by the Administrative Core and its leaders, in consultation with NIAID.

Budget and Award Information

Applicants may propose up to $2.85 million in annual direct costs, which includes up to $50,000 in direct costs for one Collaborative Pilot Project. Still, application budgets need to reflect the actual needs of the work proposed in the application. The scope of the proposed work should determine the project period; the maximum period is 5 years.

Applications are due on June 2, 2023, by 5 p.m. local time of your applicant organization.

For inquiries, contact Dr. Inka Sastalla, NIAID’s scientific/research contact, at inka.sastalla@nih.gov or 301-761-6431. Send peer review-related questions to the contact designated in Section VII. Agency Contacts.

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Email us at deaweb@niaid.nih.gov for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.