Adriana Costero-Saint Denis, Ph.D.
Tell us about your role at NIAID and what a typical day at work looks like for you?
I manage the extramural vector biology program at NIAID, which consists of over 100 grants that focus on all aspects of arthropod vector biology. The program supports research on all arthropod vectors of public health importance (mosquitoes, ticks, sand flies, tsetse flies, etc.). Vectorborne pathogens include viruses, bacteria, and parasites including worms, so my program has strong connections to programs in the virology, parasitology, and bacteriology branches.
Most of my time is spent talking with investigators that are interested in submitting applications to NIAID focusing on vector biology, or providing guidance and encouragement to investigators that submitted applications that did not get funded. I also help investigators resolve issues that involve policy and require approval by grants management.
I also spend time on administrative aspects relating to the management of my portfolio such as reviewing progress reports, attending study section reviews, and keeping up with policy changes. I interact on a daily basis with grants management specialists in resolving issues that affect the processing and approval of awards.
Finally, I spend time keeping up with the science by looking for and reading publications in scientific journals and attending workshops and scientific meetings.
My job involves interactions with other groups at NIAID including investigators in the intramural program that work with vectors, programmatic colleagues in other branches and divisions, and working together with grants management specialists to ensure that awards are done in a timely manner. I also interact with staff in other governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations that have an interest in vectors and vectorborne diseases.
What is your favorite part of your job? What excites you most about coming to work?
I enjoy the interactions with the investigators and helping them understand the NIH funding system. In particular, I like to speak with international investigators that are doing exciting research and hope to get funding from NIAID.
The motivation for my work is the importance of vectorborne diseases globally and the huge burden they have on human populations. I hope that through my work we can discover novel approaches to control the transmission of vectorborne pathogens and improve people’s quality of life.
Tell us about your career journey
I received a bachelor’s degree in biology from the National University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico – UNAM) in Mexico City where I was born and raised. I came to the U.S. to study acarology (mites and ticks) and received a masters degree in entomology from The Ohio State University (Columbus). I received my Ph.D. from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and then was hired for three postdoctoral positions, the last one in the NIAID intramural program. During my postdoc in the Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research (LMVR), I became aware of opportunities in science management and administration. I was a scientific review officer (SRO) in the Division of Extramural Activities (DEA) for 3 years before coming to the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) as the vector biology program officer (PO) in the Parasitology Branch. I have been at NIAID for 22 years.
How has NIAID helped your professional growth, development, and career goals?
As an SRO and PO, I have had many opportunities for training in different topics relevant to my job and professional development. My interactions with staff in different programs, branches, and divisions has expanded my view of the work NIAID does and how broad and important our mission is.
What are some benefits at NIAID that you enjoy?
I appreciate the flexibility to work from home several days a week. I am also grateful for varied training opportunities that have allowed me to be more productive and improve my skills as a program officer.
Do you have any advice to offer others who might be considering working at NIAID?
It is a great place with great people.