Order or download materials available at no cost to patients, family members, and healthcare professionals who want to learn more about infectious diseases and NIAID clinical trials.
Drugs That Fight HIV
This brochure shows the several different kinds of common antiretroviral drugs currently being used to treat HIV infection. Available in English and Spanish (español):
Health Information Record Booklet
This handy, pocket-sized booklet allows participants to record health information such as lab results, as well as doctors’ names and contact information. Available in English and Spanish (español):
- Health Information Record Booklet (available in print version)
- Folleto para que registre su información médica (disponible en versión impresa)
A Patient’s Guide to NIAID Clinical Trials
This brochure provides basic information about clinical trial participation and answers to general questions like “What is a clinical trial?” and “Do I still see my regular doctor?” Available in English, Spanish (español), French (français), and Amharic (አማርኛ):
- A Patient's Guide to NIAID Clinical Trials
- Una guía del paciente para los ensayos clínicos del NIAID
- Guide du patient sur les essais cliniques du NIAID
- የበሽተኖች መመሪያ ለ NIAID ጊዜያዊ የህክምና ሙከራዎች (በህትመት መልክ ይገኛል)
Order Print Materials
To order print versions of these brochures please email PACT HIV Studies
Para ordenar versiones impresas de estos folletos, envíe un correo electrónico a Estudios de VIH del Programa PACT