Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) results from an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome (the mix of beneficial and harmful bacteria that are typically present in the vagina). BV occurs almost exclusively in people who are sexually active and can be caused by sexual activity or introducing other material in or near the vagina such as douches and menstrual products. BV can increase women’s biological susceptibility to HIV and other STIs and can cause premature birth or low birthweight if untreated in pregnant women. NIAID-supported BV studies seek to understand how the condition develops and identify the specific biological processes that make the immune cells in the vagina more vulnerable to HIV. Researchers are also trying to identify simpler BV treatment options and generate evidence to support availability of quality-controlled menstrual products. 

Scientific Advances

Research suggests that the action of bacterial enzymes on vaginal surfaces may underlie the abnormal epithelial pathophysiology observed in BV. Read the publications Resident microbes shape the vaginal epithelial glycan landscape.

Related Public Health and Government Information

Read the BV Fact Sheet from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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