NIAID Funding News


NIAID Funding News provides funding, policy, and other information to NIAID's extramural research community and Institute staff. You can subscribe directly by entering your email address at Email Updates and then selecting your subscription topics. Visit Stay Informed About Policy Changes and News for more opportunities to connect with us.

Explore Our Priority Topics for Small Business Research Projects

To accompany the annual small business parent notices of funding opportunities, NIH assembles a list of scientific priorities for small business awards of interest to its institutes and centers.
HIV Antibody Testing Kit

Opportunities and Resources

NIAID aims to support multidisciplinary Chemical Countermeasures Research Program-funded investigators through the development of infrastructure and exposure protocols for selected chemicals of concern.
To apply, you must propose a research project integral to the approved, ongoing research of the parent award, with the potential to contribute significantly to the career development of the candidate.
STRONG program funds can help you analyze your institution’s research capacity needs and strengths, then create an action plan to meet those needs and leverage areas of strength.
Receive funds to establish formal partnerships with other research groups to achieve outcomes that would likely be impossible without the expertise, models, and facilities available at partnering institutions.

In The News

Share input on a proposal to encourage use of designated member review (DMR), DMR subsequent to full committee review, veterinary verification and consultation, and administrative handling of increase in previously approved animal numbers.
Survey results show that over 90 percent of reviewers reported the training modules were effective and they felt better prepared to take action afterwards.

Advice Corner

Our career development award programs support postdoctoral scholars and scientists at early- and mid-career stages, including those from diverse backgrounds or returning to biomedical careers.

Contact Us

Email us at for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.