NIAID is interested in supporting discovery and early development of medical countermeasures (MCMs) against chemical threats through a new notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) CCRP Initiative: Chemical Threat Agent Exposure Resource and Coordination Core (ExRC) (U2C, Clinical Trial Not Allowed). The NOFO seeks to establish Chemical Exposure Resource and Coordination Cores (ExRCs), which will provide infrastructure, management, and research support for basic and translational studies on Chemicals of Concern (CoC), under the Chemical Countermeasures Research Program (CCRP).
The ExRCs, which will be established across geographical regions, are meant to support multidisciplinary CCRP-funded investigators through the development of infrastructure and exposure protocols for selected CoCs. These Cores will provide access to specialized exposure facilities for studies using a variety of models to better characterize pathophysiological mechanisms of response and evaluate efficacy of potential MCMs. Applicants are encouraged to convene a diverse, multidisciplinary skilled team to support the ExRC with the necessary expertise to cover distinct real-world routes of threat agent exposure (e.g., pulmonary, ingestion, and dermal) and different model systems.
Each ExRC will be structured into three core components:
Administrative Core
As the managing component of the ExRC, this core is charged with supervising ExRC governance and policies and enacting continual improvements in the quality and efficiency of its activities. Additionally, it is responsible for overseeing all decision-making processes, managing the ExRC budget, interacting with NIH, and responding to the evolving needs of CCRP and CCRP-supported investigators.
Research Support Core
This core will develop standardized exposure protocols for a minimum of two in vivo models (e.g., rat, mice) and four to six CoCs across different toxidromes, with planned expansion for eight to ten threat agents. These models should include establishing and maintaining efficient data systems and infrastructure necessary for timely collection and transfer of high-quality exposure and physiologic measures and other specialized research needs.
Coordination Core
This core will facilitate ExRC activities for CCRP-supported investigators to coordinate CoC toxicant exposures, biospecimen and data collection, and transfer.
Award Information
NIH plans to fund one or two awards in fiscal year 2024.
Application budgets are limited to no more than $750,000 annual direct costs and need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed core.
The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is limited to 5 years.
This NOFO has a single application due date: September 28, 2023, at 5 p.m. local time of the applicant organization. We encourage you to send an optional letter of intent 30 days prior.
Contact Information
Direct inquiries to Dr. Dave Yeung at or 301-761-7237.