NIAID Funding News


NIAID Funding News provides funding, policy, and other information to NIAID's extramural research community and Institute staff. You can subscribe directly by entering your email address at Email Updates and then selecting your subscription topics. Visit Stay Informed About Policy Changes and News for more opportunities to connect with us.

How NIAID Sets a Payline—A Conservative Approach in Light of Uncertainty

We can increase a payline and then fund applications from earlier in the fiscal year that are now within the payline, but we cannot decrease a payline and pull back funding from awards already made.
Congressman Chris Van Hollen visits NIH

Opportunities and Resources

Understanding immune evasion by pathogens may be a critical factor in improving the design or utilization of prevention strategies, diagnostics, and treatments for tickborne diseases.
The notice of funding opportunity helps Phase II and Phase IIB projects' progression to the commercialization stage by providing additional support for technical assistance and later stage research and development.
Develop new medications by identifying novel research targets and lead molecules to develop therapeutic approaches that will be effective at various stages along the trajectory of opioid use disorders.

In The News

NIH has expectations, policies, and requirements for recipient institutions to foster an environment free from harassment, including sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, retaliation, and other forms of inappropriate conduct.
For help while you draft your application, consider recruiting colleagues from your institution and other scientific peers to volunteer to provide feedback on your application.
The most recent analysis found a continual increase in the proportion of applications designating either female or underrepresented minority early-stage investigators both before and after the pandemic.
Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo Selected as NIAID’s Next Director; Collaborate with the AIDS Clinical Trials Group on HIV Remission and Cure; Stream Scientific Meeting on Congenital Cytomegalovirus Vaccine Research

Advice Corner

Request a budget sufficient to make your proposed project successful. Do not risk peer reviewers judging your costs insufficient to the work or deeming you naive to the price of conducting successful research.

Contact Us

Email us at for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.