NIAID Funding News


NIAID Funding News provides funding, policy, and other information to NIAID's extramural research community and Institute staff. You can subscribe directly by entering your email address at Email Updates and then selecting your subscription topics. Visit Stay Informed About Policy Changes and News for more opportunities to connect with us.

Why Criterion Scores Don’t Add Up

The criterion scores reflect the views of the assigned reviewers while your overall impact score reflects the scores of all the panel members who voted.
NIAID researcher uses an electron microscope.

Opportunities and Resources

Apply if you can expand or improve engagement and re-engagement in HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care services, or improve strategies to deliver integrated HIV prevention, treatment, and care services to address co-morbidities and co-infections.
Help discover innovative methods and strategies to support the eradication of Rheumatic Heart Disease, which remains endemic in low- and middle-income countries and low-resource settings.
Our goal is to improve oversight of NIAID grant awards and compliance with NIH funding policies and federal research funding requirements for NIAID-supported foreign institutions.
Propose a computational model that is data-driven, macromolecular, or hypothesis-based and mechanistically-driven and generalizable to multiple types of immune perturbations.

In The News

NIAID has not reduced competing or noncompeting awards in some time, but we do so now in light of budget uncertainty.
The draft NIH Scientific Integrity Policy establishes the appointments of, and roles and responsibilities for, the positions of NIH Chief Scientist and Scientific Integrity Official.
An at-risk investigator has had substantial, independent NIH funding as a principal investigator and, unless successful in securing a substantial research grant award in the current fiscal year, will have no substantial research grant funding in the following fiscal year.
I-Corps Deadlines and Dates for FY 2024 Cohorts Announced; Materials from CHIVIM Clinical Studies and Trials Available; Small Business Collaboration with Resource-Limited Institutions.

Advice Corner

Any time you read an NIAID notice of funding opportunity, build a habit of checking whether there is an associated questions and answers page.

Contact Us

Email us at for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.