NIAID Funding News


NIAID Funding News provides funding, policy, and other information to NIAID's extramural research community and Institute staff. You can subscribe directly by entering your email address at Email Updates and then selecting your subscription topics. Visit Stay Informed About Policy Changes and News for more opportunities to connect with us.

Explore the World of Research and Development Contract Solicitations

Contracts are government requirements for a product or service with specific goals, deliverables, and deadlines, and work done under a contract requires programmatic oversight by NIAID staff.
A variety of antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV infection.

Opportunities and Resources

NIAID will support studies that examine the impact of hormone therapy and antiretroviral drugs on treatment and prevention methods of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
The Immunobiology of Xenotransplantation Cooperative Research Program supports research in preclinical nonhuman primate and human decedent models of porcine pancreatic islet, kidney, heart, lung, or liver xenotransplantation.
Conduct product-focused research to advance controlled-release vaccine strategies shown to improve immune responses for HIV prevention, treatment, and cure, and also to develop simplified or single-shot vaccination formulations.

NIAID will support integrated multi-project research programs applying emerging and improved technologies to develop innovative gene- or cell-based HIV cure approaches.

Study the epidemiology of viral HIV suppression and determine study approaches or evidence-based digital treatment interventions to reduce HIV transmission in Mexico and South and Central America.

In The News

NIAID now has an appropriation for fiscal year 2024, a key development as we determine how many awards the Institute can support in this fiscal year.
NIAID shares sample applications to provide examples of good grantsmanship and successful approaches to presenting a Research Strategy and Specific Aims. 
Senior investigators should concern themselves with the career trajectory of promising HIV researchers, and at NIAID we are exploring ways to maximize our resources to fund as many worthy candidates as possible.
Attend “NIH Grants Process: A Brief Walk-Through for Beginners” Event on May 15; Reminders for Small Business Concerns: TABA Supplements and Foreign Disclosures; Webinar to Discuss U54 Opportunity on Systems Modeling of Infection and Immunity

Advice Corner

NIH uses notices of special interest (NOSIs) to invite applications on high-priority and high-opportunity areas of science. NOSIs are designed to reduce administrative burden on NIH staff and grant applicants alike.

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