stage indicator - manage your award

Annual Progress Report for International Grants

To continue funding each year, NIAID international grant recipients must complete a progress report. For domestic grants, refer to Reporting Requirements During Your Grant.

Send a Yearly Progress Report

Your initial award established the planned length of your grant and your first year of funding. Keep in mind that the approval of your initial award does not commit the United States to an additional award or dollar amount.

NIAID will fund the next year of the grant only after we approve your progress report.

Your progress report is the official request for funding. It explains the grant's progress, detailed budget, and any other changes such as key personnel, and it is just as important to your funding as was your original application.

NIAID uses this report to decide whether to continue funding your grant and if so, at what level.

If you need help with your progress report, contact your grants management specialist or program officer listed in the eRA Commons.

Be on Time

For foreign recipients, progress reports are due 60 days before the start of the next budget period.

As a foreign recipient, your progress reports are due 60 days before the start of the next budget period of your grant. For example, for a budget start date of April 1, your report is due to NIH on February 1.

Make sure you are fully aware of all of your due dates. You won't get warnings or reminders from us or NIH. We won't contact you about it until 2 weeks after your progress report was due.

It's a good idea for the principal investigator (PI) to keep track of the dates when he or she must send the institution's business office information and to check that the business office has sent it to us.

Find a list of your institution's due progress reports in the eRA Commons. For guidance, check eRA’s Online Help Finding Recent NoAs, Awards with RPPRs Due, or Awards Pending Closeout. Refer to the section How to Find Annual Awards with Progress Reports Due?

Remember that late progress reports result in late and possibly reduced awards.

And if we contact you about missing information, respond as quickly as possible. We won't fund your next award if we receive an incomplete progress report.

Use eRA Commons

Complete your Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) in eRA Commons.

You'll use the Commons to send your report to NIAID, too, once you've completed the forms.

Follow the instructions in the NIH and Other PHS Agency Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Instruction Guide and read the rest of our information below.

For clinical trials or research involving human subjects, take additional steps described in Supplemental Grant Application Instructions For All Competing Applications and Progress Reports.

Contact your grants management specialist if you have any questions about the forms.

NIAID will contact your business office directly if we need further information. At that time, we'll provide additional instructions to complete our request.

Complete the Detailed Budget

Justify items and amounts that significantly changed from what you proposed in your application.

For the budget part of the progress report, provide a detailed budget.

Include a justification for items and amounts that have significantly changed from what you proposed. For example

  • Rebudgeting more than 25 percent of funds within a category
  • Significant changes in level of effort for the PI

Also explain if an unobligated balance is likely to be more than 25 percent of the current year's total award.

You cannot request more for direct costs and total costs than the level shown on your most recent Notice of Award unless NIAID has contacted your institution with different funding information, as we do for clinical trial unit (CTU) awards.

Highlight New Key Personnel

Report on the key personnel listed in the Notice of Award only. Do not include information for other significant contributors unless their involvement has changed and they are now listed in the Notice of Award as key personnel.

If you want to add new key personnel, provide your business office with the following:

  • A biosketch for each person
  • Documentation of training in the protection of human subjects—for anyone involved in the design or conduct of human subjects research. See our sample letter.
  • Other support—update this information when there has been a significant change in effort (e.g., greater than 25 percent) for key personnel listed on the Notice of Award. Include the following as part of a short Progress Report Summary.
    • Active support only
    • Source
    • Goals
    • Dates
    • Annual direct costs of the project
    • Time commitment for each project—use calendar months
    • Potential overlap

Your business office sends the request for NIAID approval through the grants management specialist listed in the eRA Commons.

Do Not Send Assurances and Certifications

You do not need to send federalwide or animal welfare assurances, institutional review board (IRB) approvals, or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) documents.

For research involving human subjects or vertebrate animals, you must report additional information in section G of the RPPR.

However, you do not need to send federalwide or animal welfare assurances, IRB approvals, or IACUC documents.

If NIAID needs to see these documents, we will ask.

How Does NIAID Use Your Progress Report?

Your program officer reviews the progress report to make sure you have made sufficient progress to justify our continued funding of the project. Grants management specialists perform an administrative and sometimes a fiscal evaluation of the progress report.

Here are some of the items they will consider:

  • Is progress satisfactory?
  • Have there been or do you propose changes in the scope, goals, or objectives of the project? Refer to Importance of Scope of Research in Actions You Can Take as the Project Leader on a Foreign Grant.
  • Are there any changes in key personnel or their level of effort?
  • Is there evidence of scientific overlap?
  • Have you addressed Rigor and Reproducibility?
  • For human subjects, is sex and minority information provided? Are human subject enrollment tables provided, if required?
  • Are there changes or concerns regarding human subjects research or research animal care and use?
  • Are there changes in other support?
  • Did you comply with NIH public access requirements?

Have Questions?

For business and policy issues, contact your grants management specialist, found in your eRA Commons account or on your summary statement. If you have not been assigned a specialist, go to NIAID's Grants Management Program Contacts to locate one.

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