NIAID is updating its 2018 Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Research and invites comments and suggestions from the scientific research community and stakeholders in a time-sensitive Request for Information (RFI): Inviting Comments and Suggestions on Updating the NIAID Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Research.
The revised Strategic Plan is structured around five strategic priorities that capitalize on recent advances in the field; each critical to the development and evaluation of knowledge and tools needed to end tuberculosis (TB) globally.
The strategic priorities also identify research gaps that should be addressed and are as follows:
Improve fundamental knowledge of TB
- Improve the understanding of infection and disease spectrum caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb).
- Evaluate the dynamics and pathophysiology of TB disease in humans.
- Characterize immune responses and role of other host factors in Mtb infections.
- Determine factors that drive TB transmission.
- Understand the role of asymptomatic or subclinical TB in disease and transmission.
- Improve fundamental knowledge of the above in pediatric populations.
Advance research to improve diagnosis of TB
- Discover and validate novel TB biomarkers or biosignatures.
- Improve and develop accurate and rapid diagnostics, including point-of-care or near to point-of-care diagnostics.
- Improve diagnostics for extra-pulmonary TB.
- Improve TB diagnostics for pediatric populations and people living with HIV (PLWH).
Accelerate research to improve TB prevention
- Support design and development of vaccine candidates.
- Identify correlates of immune protection.
- Utilize TB Preventative Treatment (TPT) programs and modeling tools to predict transmission and apply preventative tools effectively.
- Discover, develop, and improve interventions to reduce TB transmission.
Support research to advance strategies to treat TB
- Discover, develop, and evaluate new and improved therapeutic interventions and combination regimens for pulmonary and extrapulmonary disease.
- Evaluate shorter treatment schedules for drug resistant and drug sensitive TB.
- Develop and advance new anti-TB drug candidates appropriate for use in HIV-associated TB and pediatric populations.
- Develop strategies to detect, minimize, and prevent post-TB lung disease and emergence of drug resistance.
Develop tools and resources to advance TB research
- Optimize or develop animal models that reflect human disease and are predictive of clinical outcomes.
- Develop, standardize, and share tools to facilitate product testing as well as resource and data/sample sharing.
- Leverage and expand the current clinical capacity of NIAID resources to test new therapeutic candidates, treatment regimens, diagnostics, and vaccine candidates in healthy and high-risk populations including pediatric populations, PLWH, and pregnant women.
- Promote cross-disciplinary research and support early investigators to expand the cadre of innovative TB researchers.
- Develop quantitative tools to assess treatment response and low bacillary burden in humans.
- Develop improved tools for tracking TB cases and outbreaks.
- Optimize coordination across U.S. government agencies, global stakeholders, and research funders.
Information Requested
Tell us your thoughts on the above framework as well as your views on the following topics in TB research:
- Significant research advances since 2018.
- Significant research gaps or barriers not identified in the strategic priorities above.
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on tuberculosis research.
- Emerging scientific advances or techniques that may accelerate research related to the strategic priorities identified above.
- Resources necessary to advance research in tuberculosis related to the strategic priorities above.
How to Submit a Response
Submit comments electronically on the RFI website by 11:59 p.m. on August 13, 2023.
Responses are voluntary. Please do not include any personally identifiable information or information you do not wish to make public. Do not include proprietary, classified, confidential, trade secrets, or other sensitive information with your response.
Direct all inquiries to