NIAID Funding News


NIAID Funding News provides funding, policy, and other information to NIAID's extramural research community and Institute staff. You can subscribe directly by entering your email address at Email Updates and then selecting your subscription topics. Visit Stay Informed About Policy Changes and News for more opportunities to connect with us.

New Form to Disclose Foreign Relationships for Small Business Concerns

NIAID will require small business innovation research and small business technology transfer applicants to provide a “Required Disclosures of Foreign Affiliations or Relationships to Foreign Countries” form before issuing a grant award.
Colorized transmission electron micrograph of a single Nipah virus particle (center, colorized that has budded from the surface of an infected cell

Opportunities and Resources

NIAID will fund studies to develop vaccine candidates against enteric viruses that cause gastroenteritis in infants and young children, immune-compromised and -suppressed people, and elderly people.
The clinical trial planning grant (R34) supports planning, design, and preparation of the documentation necessary to implement an investigator-initiated clinical trial.
Apply for funding to develop data science software that improves acquisition, management, analysis, visualization, and dissemination for data science research on infectious and immune-mediated diseases.

In The News

Our revised Strategic Plan is structured around five strategic priorities that capitalize on recent advances in the field; each critical to the development and evaluation of knowledge and tools needed to end tuberculosis globally.
NIH’s Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) held its most recent meeting on June 8 and 9, 2023. ACD members provide recommendations on program development, resource allocation, NIH administrative regulation, and other aspects of NIH policy.
In which areas of biomedical research could novel alternative methods provide investigators with new means to answer key research questions in ways that cannot be accomplished currently through traditional methods like animal models?

Advice Corner

When you’re ready to publicize your scientific discoveries, let NIAID help spread the word. Through a variety of communication vehicles, our News and Science Writing Branch highlights the work of NIAID-funded researchers.

Contact Us

Email us at for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.