NIAID is conducting and supporting research to find new and improved ways to diagnose, treat and prevent influenza infection. This includes working toward a universal flu vaccine that could provide long-lasting protection against multiple strains of influenza, such as those that cause seasonal flu as well as emerging forms capable of causing a global pandemic.
Through the information offered here, researchers can learn about the science being conducted at NIAID and by NIAID-funded researchers. Researchers seeking funding can access opportunities to further their own research, while NIAID and NIH grantees can find out about available resources outside of specific funding opportunities. Recent publications, active networks, and ways to connect with other researchers are also available.

NIAID Research Agenda for 2024 H5N1 Influenza
NIAID has mobilized its intramural and extramural-supported research infrastructure to provide scientific support to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

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Also check out strategies NIAID researchers are using to develop a single vaccine targeting the many types of Influenza virus.
Support for Research
NIAID is always accepting researcher-initiated applications. Connect with NIAID program officers about potential or related funding for influenza research.
Program Officers
For contact information, search the NIH Enterprise Directory.
- Dr. Christopher Roberts, Respiratory Pathogens Clinical Research Section Chief
- Dr. Diane Post, Viral Respiratory Diseases Section Chief
- Nita Basu, MSc, PhD, Program Officer, Viral Respiratory Drug Development and Diagnostic Development
- Steven Black, MPH, Program Coordinator, Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response (CEIRR)
- Yichen Cheng, PhD, Scientific Program Coordinator, Collaborative Influenza Vaccine Innovation Centers (CIVICs)
- Dr. Jennifer Gordon, Program Officer, Influenza and Coronavirus Vaccine Development
See more program officers in the Respiratory Diseases Branch
Resources for Researchers
NIAID offers resources such as technologies available for licensing or collaboration, computer applications, and other tools and services to the general scientific community to advance basic, preclinical, and clinical research. See all resources for influenza virus researchers.
For researchers developing products such as diagnostics, vaccines, or drug therapies, check out NIAID's support for infectious disease product developers.
Connect with Other Researchers
Search for scientists at NIAID who research influenza in the scientist directory.
Search for scientists funded by NIAID who research influenza on RePORTER.