Division of Intramural Research Laboratory Descriptions

The following is an alphabetical list of Division of Intramural Research (DIR) laboratories with brief research descriptions. Scientists in these laboratories conduct peer-reviewed research in the areas described. These major laboratories comprise two or more labs (sections or units) headed by tenured or tenure-track principal investigators. DIR investigators are listed under Contact Information and in the Intramural Scientist & Clinician Directory. Also, read more information about the Division of Intramural Research.

Comparative Medicine Branch

Use of animals in biomedical research is necessary to expand our ability to curtail infectious diseases, characterize new diseases, combat bioterrorism, and discover new ways to augment or harness the body's immune system. The mission of the Comparative Medicine Branch is to provide the animals in their care with a comfortable, stable environment that eliminates research variables, to serve as a resource for Division of Intramural Research investigators, and to support research activities.

William R. Elkins, D.V.M.; Diplomate, ACLAM, Branch Chief

Laboratory of Allergic Diseases

The Laboratory of Allergic Diseases (LAD) conducts basic and clinical research on immunologic diseases with an emphasis on disorders of immediate hypersensitivity, which include the spectrum of classic allergic diseases. LAD is composed of an interactive group of Ph.D.s, M.D.s, research nurses, technicians, and administrative staff, who work in contemporary laboratories adjacent to NIAID's clinical facilities. Scientific personnel are engaged in basic and translational research aimed at understanding the genetics and pathology underlying the immune dysfunction associated with allergic inflammation. The Laboratory of Allergic Diseases also houses the NIAID Allergy and Immunology Fellowship Program.

Pamela A. Guerrerio, M.D., Ph.D., Chief

Laboratory of Bacteriology

The Laboratory of Bacteriology (LB) studies bacteria that cause important human infections, including intracellular and arthropod-borne bacterial pathogens. In addition, LB conducts research with antibiotic-resistant bacteria listed as serious or urgent threats in the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. The ultimate goal of our research is to identify novel or improved strategies to control bacterial diseases, including the development of diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics. LB maintains a flexible laboratory infrastructure to permit analysis of emerging bacterial pathogens and/or those of special interest.

Frank R. DeLeo, Ph.D., Chief

Olivia Steele-Mortimer, Ph.D., Deputy Chief

Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology

The Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology (LCIM) conducts clinical and basic science, and epidemiologic research into human immunologic, inflammatory, and infectious diseases.

Primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) that arise from a variety of mutations in genes involved in the immune system are a major focus area of the laboratory. To develop a comprehensive understanding of the natural history and pathogenesis of PIDs, the LCIM integrates clinical studies with laboratory investigations at molecular-, cellular-, and systems-level scales. Through exploiting knowledge gained in the clinic and in the laboratory, the LCIM aims to develop novel diagnostic methods and therapeutic approaches to manage and, ideally, cure patients of PIDs and infectious diseases.

Clinical and basic science aspects of bacterial, fungal, and viral microbiology and pathogenesis are another major concentration of LCIM investigators. Vaccine development and drug discovery efforts have led to several international clinical trials that aim to lessen the global impact of microbial diseases and prevent or minimize the emergence of drug-resistant microbes.

Training of physicians and scientists is central to the LCIM mission. The NIAID Infectious Disease Fellowship Training Program, the NIAID Primary Immune Deficiency Clinic, and the NIH Clinical Center Infectious Disease Consultation Service are integral components of the LCIM and facilitate the reciprocal education of basic scientists and clinical fellows alike.

Michail Lionakis, M.D., Sc.D., Chief

Harry Malech, M.D., Deputy Chief

Luigi D. Notarangelo, M.D., Deputy Chief

Laboratory of Host Immunity and Microbiome

The vision of the Laboratory of Host Immunity and Microbiome (LHIM), led by Niki M. Moutsopoulos, is to comprehensively examine the factors controlling immunity and inflammation, whether they are host intrinsic (e.g., tissue-specific or the consequence of tissue-tissue communication) or extrinsic (e.g., involving the microbiota, nutrition, or infection). One major goal of the laboratory is to assess the consequences of environmental stress, such as infection, nutrition, and pollution, on host immunity and predisposition to inflammatory disorders in the context of fetal development, early life, and in adults. The laboratory also seeks to explore novel microbiota-mediated and immunotherapeutic approaches to combat the increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance. The laboratory is built upon strong clinical-basic research foundations and partnerships with the NIH Clinical Center and the NIAID Microbiome Program.

LHIM has been specifically organized to maximize the capacity of its investigators to conduct cutting-edge research. It is home to the NIAID Microbiome Program, which supports microbiome-related research through gnotobiotic, microbiology, and genomic core services. To help foster a rich local intellectual and technological environment, LHIM has also developed a close partnership with the adjacent Laboratory of Immune System Biology,  including shared resources for single-cell analysis, proteomics, genomics, and advanced imaging. A major emphasis of LHIM is to promote collaborations between the laboratories within NIAID, as well as with the larger NIH (including the larger NIH immunology community), and extramural scientific communities. LHIM also has a strong emphasis on mentorship and fostering the next generation of scientific leaders. 

Niki M. Moutsopoulos, D.D.S., Ph.D., Chief

Laboratory of Immune System Biology

The major research activities of Laboratory of Immune System Biology (LISB) are focused on the basic genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology of the immune system, as well as on human disease informed by these more basic studies. How dysregulation of the immune system results in immunodeficiencies, autoimmunity, inflammation, allergy, chronic infections, and lymphoproliferative diseases and what strategies might be valuable for therapeutic or vaccine development related to these conditions as well as cancer are important topics of interest, as is the behavior of the meta-organism (the combination of the host and the commensal microbiota).

A key aspect of LISB research is the development and application of systems and quantitative approaches to dissect how the molecules, cells, and commensals studied by LISB investigators together shape emergent immune system behavior. Modern technology now allows the analysis of immune responses and host-pathogen interactions at a global level, across scales ranging from molecular interactions to intracellular signaling and gene regulatory networks to individual cell behavior to the functioning of a tissue, an organ, and the whole organism. The challenge is to organize and integrate this information to extract biological insights that can help enhance our understanding of how the immune system operates in health or disease or how pathogens affect their hosts. To move towards these goals, LISB scientists seek to collect detailed quantitative as well as qualitative data on the state, organization, and operation of the immune system to develop computational models (mechanistic, statistical, and machine-learning) that can be used to predict the behavior of a complex biological system, uncover the components involved, and help explain the mechanistic basis for physiological and pathological responses to infection or vaccination or to design new therapies or vaccines.

Achieving this goal requires an interdisciplinary effort, and LISB is designed to address this challenge. Although it is composed of independent laboratories, the LISB is intended to operate in many of its research efforts as an integrated group of scientists and support staff. Although it has been established within NIAID, it is expected to play a major role in fostering the growth of immunology and systems biology efforts across the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through its development of software tools for complex systems modeling, new experimental paradigms, advanced imaging modalities, high-throughput screening efforts, and novel approaches to microbiome analysis. LISB members are involved in an extensive web of formal and informal interactions with other intramural NIH scientists and with extramural groups in the United States and abroad that have a common interest in a systems approach to biology in general and immunology in particular.

Ronald N. Germain, M.D., Ph.D., Chief

Laboratory of Immunogenetics

The research in the Laboratory of Immunogenetics (LIG) focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the signaling functions of immune cell receptors. This work encompasses a wide spectrum of experimental approaches from the structural determination of immune receptors to live-cell image analysis of the behavior of chemotactic receptors.

LIG members are highly interactive, creating a unique environment in which structural biology, molecular, and cell biology are interfaced. Interactions within LIG are facilitated by weekly work-in-progress presentations detailing recent advances and future directions of LIG fellows and students.

Peter Sun, Ph.D., Acting Chief

Laboratory of Immunoregulation

The major theme of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation (LIR) continues to be the elucidation of cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating the human immune response in health and disease. A major component of these efforts is the study of the immunopathogenic mechanisms of HIV infection and disease progression.

The rational design of strategies aimed at the prevention and treatment of HIV infection depends on delineating how HIV destroys the immune system. Our investigation of host factors involved in the evolution of HIV disease indicates that HIV pathogenesis is a multifactorial and multiphasic process. Particularly important aspects of this process that are under intense investigation include

  • Regulation of HIV replication by endogenous cytokines and chemokines
  • Regulation of expression of HIV coreceptors
  • HIV envelope-mediated intracellular signaling events responsible for immune dysfunction
  • The role of a latent, inducible reservoir of HIV-infected cells in the pathogenesis of HIV disease and its implication for antiretroviral therapy
  • Contribution of HIV-infected T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, monocyte/macrophages, and multipotent progenitor cells to disease pathogenesis
  • The role of immunomodulation in immune reconstitution during antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection
  • LIR researchers conduct clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of drugs for the treatment of HIV infection and its complication and the development of methods for immunologic reconstitution in HIV-infected individuals. Their studies of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases are both domestic and international.

Irini Sereti M.D., M.H.S., Chief

Laboratory of Infectious Diseases

Established in 1942, the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases (LID) has a long history of vaccine development and identification of new agents of viral diseases. LID is noted for undertaking high-risk, high-reward programs that require extraordinary time and resource commitments, such as programs to develop vaccines for viral hepatitis, severe childhood respiratory diseases, viral gastroenteritis, flaviviruses, and herpesviruses.

Clinical studies complement LID’s major areas of research, including testing candidate vaccines in clinical trials, human challenge studies with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus to study pathogenesis and immune correlates for protection against these viruses, and studies of severe virus infections in persons without known immune deficiency.

Jeffrey I. Cohen, M.D., Chief

Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research

The Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research (LMVR) is dedicated to studies of malaria and insect vectors of infectious diseases. Research groups in the laboratory maintain an array of on-campus and overseas activities investigating disease-transmitting insects and broad areas of malaria biology and pathogenesis. Basic discoveries from these investigations support searches for new drug treatments, diagnostic tools, and vaccines. The LMVR environment is highly collaborative and is organized to foster research teamwork by experts in various disciplines of the biological, physical, and medical sciences. 

Carolina Barillas-Mury, M.D., Ph.D., Chief

Jesus G. Valenzuela, Ph.D., Deputy Chief

Laboratory of Malaria Immunology and Vaccinology

Background on Malaria Vaccine Development

The burden of malaria remains intolerable, causing over 200 million clinical cases and 400,000 deaths each year, with pregnant women and children in Africa bearing the greatest risk. Antimalarial drugs and insecticide-treated nets have effectively reduced malaria cases over the last few decades, but progress has stalled in recent years as these measures decline in efficacy. Vaccination remains a key strategy to bolster control efforts towards reduction and elimination of this scourge.

Malaria vaccines target the major stages of the Plasmodium life cycle and are distinguished by three distinct types: 1) Pre-erythrocytic (also called anti-infection) vaccines aim to prevent sporozoite invasion into the liver after inoculation by a feeding mosquito; 2) Blood stage (also called anti-disease) vaccines target asexual parasite forms that emerge from the liver to infect erythrocytes and multiply, causing clinical illness; and 3) Mosquito stage (more widely known as “transmission-blocking”) vaccines target sexual stages of the parasite, eliciting antibodies that are taken up mosquitoes in a bloodmeal, which then halt parasite development in the mosquito midgut, preventing further transmission to the next human host.

The Laboratory of Malaria Immunology and Vaccinology (LMIV)

LMIV was commissioned in 2009 to conduct basic and applied research relevant to malaria immunology and vaccine development, pursue novel vaccine concepts, produce prototype malaria vaccines, and conduct early-phase clinical trials of promising vaccine candidates. Our overarching goal is to develop malaria vaccines that will reduce severe disease and death among African children and pregnant women and eliminate malaria from low-transmission areas of the world.

LMIV has an organizational structure that encompasses both basic discovery and product development within a small, integrated team. Discovery sections within LMIV conduct basic research on malaria pathogenesis and immunology, with emphasis on studies in humans who are naturally or experimentally infected with malaria parasites. In parallel, the Vaccine Development Unit operates more like a small biotech firm than a typical research laboratory. Specialists in each step of the development process, from antigen selection, vaccine process development and manufacture, and preclinical animal modeling to clinical trials and assays of the immune response, contribute their expertise as the candidate moves along the development pathway. This allows multiple vaccine candidates to advance from concept to clinical trials efficiently and rapidly. Together, the Discovery sections and Vaccine Development Unit form a research and testing enterprise that can rapidly translate ideas into proof-of-concept trials, capture data about human immunity and responses to infection, which then inform new and improved strategies.

LMIV is the global leader in transmission-blocking vaccine development. Our leading TBV candidate, named Pfs230D1, is currently being tested in a phase 2 clinical trial evaluating safety and functional activity in malaria-endemic communities in Mali. Read about the ongoing community trial of Pfs230D1 in Mali, and the recent news release announcing our planned clinical trials of TBVs throughout West Africa, in collaboration with partners from the Netherlands, Denmark, Mali, Burkina Faso, Liberia, and Guinea.

For specific information on ongoing clinical trials, or to volunteer to enroll in a clinical trial, see the list of featured NIAID clinical trials.

Patrick E. Duffy, M.D., Chief

Laboratory of Molecular Immunology

The Laboratory of Molecular Immunology (LMI) conducts basic, translational, and clinical studies related to innate and adaptive immune system function in health and disease. LMI scientists have made major contributions to our understanding of immunoregulation by chemokines and their G protein-coupled receptors, HIV pathogenesis, the NFkB family of transcription factors, mucosal immunology in the gut, reovirus and rotavirus infection in the gut, and mouse models of inflammatory bowel disease. They explore the basic properties of neutrophils, macrophages, naïve and memory T cells, and dendritic cells, as well as genetic risk factors for complex immune-mediated diseases.

In LMI, current studies focus on the molecular pathogenesis of infectious and immunologic/inflammatory diseases, including West Nile virus infection, Listeria infection, Trypanosoma cruzi, Toxoplasma gondii, fungal infection, sepsis, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, primary immunodeficiency disease, and cancer, working toward the goal of identifying novel therapeutic targets and strategies.

Philip Murphy, M.D., Chief

Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology

When it was established in 1981, the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology (LMM) investigated the structure, function, and regulation of a diverse group of microorganisms including RNA and DNA viruses, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, and mycoplasmas. Currently, the main focus of LMM scientists is murine (e.g., murine leukemia virus) and primate retroviruses (e.g., HIV, simmune immunodeficiency virus, and human T-lymphotropic virus), with the principal area of research activity involving HIV-1. Fundamental investigations of viral gene regulation, protein structure and function, and particle assembly are integrated with studies of the determinants of immunologic protection against HIV and viral pathogenesis.

Malcolm A. Martin, M.D., Chief

Laboratory of Neurological Infections and Immunity

The Laboratory of Neurological Infections and Immunity (LNII) studies persistent active or latent viral or prion disease infections. Investigators place particular emphasis on persistent infections of the nervous system and of the hematopoietic and lymphoid systems. The laboratory is also studying the roles of persistent infection in the development of retrovirus-induced immunosuppression. Models being examined include prion diseases of various species, murine and human retroviruses.

The major research goals of the laboratory are to understand basic pathogenic mechanisms induced by these infections, to study immune or other defense mechanisms used by infected individuals against infections, and to develop drug therapies capable of reducing or eliminating such infections.

Sonja M. Best, Ph.D., Chief

Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases

The Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases (LPD) conducts basic and applied research on the prevention, control, and treatment of a variety of parasitic and bacterial diseases of global importance. The work of the group is largely directed toward the identification of immunological and molecular targets for disease intervention. The pathogens studied include parasitic protozoa (Leishmania, Toxoplasma, Giardia, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma cruzi, Cryptosporidium, and Entamoeba) and helminths (Filariae, Schistosoma, Strongyloides, and Taenia), as well as non-parasitic agents (e.g., mycobacteria).

LPD includes a clinical group that conducts patient-centered research at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, as well as international field studies in India, Latin America, and Africa. Four new programs focus on genetic determinants of virulence in apicomplexan protozoa, the function of the eosinophil in human infectious and inflammatory disease processes, the role of commensal microbiota in immune regulation and homeostasis, and T-cell regulation in mycobacterial and fungal opportunistic infections.

Thomas Nutman, M.D., Chief

Elodie Ghedin, Ph.D., Co-Deputy Chief

Amy Klion, M.D., Co-Deputy Chief

Laboratory of Viral Diseases

Research programs in the Laboratory of Viral Diseases (LVD) explore fundamental aspects of cell and molecular biology, viral pathogenesis, and viral immunology within the context of a diverse group of medically important viruses that includes alphaviruses, coronaviruses, enteroviruses, flaviviruses, herpesviruses, human/simian immunodeficiency viruses, influenza viruses, papillomaviruses, and poxviruses. The goals of these research programs are to create knowledge that increases a basic biological understanding of these pathogens and their interactions with their hosts and to generate new strategies for preventing and treating viral diseases.

Viruses exploit and circumvent host cellular processes to promote productive infection, establish reservoirs of persistent/latent infection, and maximize transmission between hosts. LVD labs study viral utilization and modulation of host cell transcription and epigenetic machinery, the creation of unique cellular structures to support viral replication and assembly, and the antagonism of innate and adaptive antiviral immune responses. These basic studies have led to novel therapeutic approaches that target virus-host interactions and have provided important insight into cancers of both viral and non-viral origin.

LVD labs investigate viral pathogenesis and immunity using animal model systems, as well as human clinical trial resources and data. These investigations include the role of lymphoid and myeloid cells in antiviral immunity, T and B cell recognition of viral proteins and peptides, T cell effector functions in vivo, and antibody interactions with viral proteins. The influence of the microbiome on the acquisition of pathogenic viruses and subsequent immune responses and disease is also being explored.

Contemporary vaccine development is a multidisciplinary effort that integrates the structural biology of viral proteins and virions, animal models, and cutting-edge immunological approaches. LVD labs are involved in programs to develop vaccines against HIV-1, dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Zika virus, influenza A virus, and SARS-CoV-2. Studies to identify countermeasures for viruses that have yet to emerge as public health threats are also a part of NIAID and LVD efforts to prepare for future epidemics.

The LVD is a highly collaborative environment focused on both scientific discovery and the mentoring of young scientists. LVD seminar series provide opportunities for trainees to present and discuss their science with the entire LVD, to meet prominent virologists, and gain professional insight from scientists with “beyond the bench” careers.

Jason Brenchley, Ph.D., Chief

Laboratory of Virology

The Laboratory of Virology (LV) conducts innovative scientific research on viral agents requiring high or maximum containment (biosafety level-2 to biosafety level-4). These agents include filoviruses, bunyaviruses, arenaviruses, and flaviviruses. Research studies focus on vector/reservoir transmission, viral ecology, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and host immune response of these viral pathogens. A significant goal is to develop diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics against these agents.

LV scientists broadly study pathogens that cause viral hemorrhagic fevers, viral encephalitis, and certain respiratory diseases. This work employs investigations in cell culture; animal models, including nonhuman primates; reservoir species; and arthropod hosts in order to elucidate the viral pathogenesis, immune responses, molecular evolution, cellular and molecular biology, and vector-host interactions.

Heinz Feldmann, M.D., Ph.D., Chief

Molecular HIV Host Interactions Section

The major research focus of the Molecular HIV Host Interactions Section is to investigate interactions between HIV-1 and host, in particular children, adolescents, and young adults, at the molecular level.

Maureen M. Goodenow, Ph.D., Section Chief

Research Technologies Branch

The Research Technologies Branch (RTB) was established to provide researchers access to leading-edge technologies and specialized expertise through a tightly integrated, highly effective approach to study complex biological problems. Advances in optics, lasers, and computational biology have revolutionized well-established disciplines such as microscopy (light and electron), flow cytometry, genomic and proteomics. These technologies require integration and more importantly highly trained specialized scientists to adapt these new technologies to the research needs of the Institute’s diverse research agenda. The Branch implements state of the art research technologies and project-specific applications for the NIAID intramural research program in collaboration with current researchers along with a network of facilities located in Bethesda and Rockville, Maryland, as well as Hamilton, Montana. RTB Sections & Technological Resources include biological imaging, protein chemistry, electron microscopy, structural biology, flow cytometry, visual and medical arts, genetics and genomics, integrated data science. These technologies require integration and more importantly highly trained specialized scientists to adapt these new technologies to the research needs of the institute’s diverse research agenda.

By developing a collaborative relationship with NIAID investigators, the RTB provides customized resources that meet the specific research needs of each NIAID investigator that uses resources throughout the branch as required by the scientific research scope.

James M. Cherry, Ph.D., Associate Director, Research Technologies, DIR, NIAID and Chief, Research Technology Branch

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